Dental Problems of The Seniors and Tentative Measure for Them
Everybody wishes a healthy dental life. As you get older, you probably notice that not everything gets easier. Some of the more common dental problems can be diminished or avoided with proper dental hygiene throughout life.
Seniors face a number of potential dental problems due to the overall effects of aging on dental health. If you haven't learned what the basics of oral hygiene are,

it is not too late to start. At this stage of life they are exposed to dental problem. The most common dental problems they pass through are:*Gum disease*Tooth loss*Darkened teeth*Dry mouth*Diminished sense of teeth*Root decay*Uneven jaw bone. *Denture induced*ThrushAs they do not take care of their mouth properly, gum disease is seen among them. Erosion in gum and swollen gum is found with acute pain. And they cannot eat or drink. Tooth loss is a common scenario among the seniors. One after another, their teeth fall down leaving the place empty. As a result, air comes out of the mouth before producing a correct sound. And they feel difficulty in delivering their speech. Darkened teeth are commonly is among the elderly people. Most of the cases they are habituated with taking betel nut with some other spices. These elements leave a foul color on the wall of the teeth and even on the gum. The nicotine in tobacco stains the teeth also. It is also vital cause of oral cancer. Dry mouth is caused due to the shortage of saliva, the vital element inside our mouth. Due to some reasons dry mouth is found among the aged people. It causes cough during night. Sometime they have to take a lot of water after a certain interval. Root decay is seen in seniors. Lack of cleanliness and negligence spoil the enamel results in tooth decay. Sometimes it vanishes into the gum and creates a great problem. Diminished sense of taste is general to them. For taking betel nut, smoking makes their tongue thick. That is why they cannot taste their food and medicine. But, they love taking chili enriched foods. Uneven jaw bone is common feature in them. As the jaw contains some space, it becomes uneven. Sometimes, teeth do not get fit in denture process. This ill fitting is responsible for denture induce.The extent of their problems is so acute that it is almost impossible to recover to the former stage. Some whitening measures can be taken for removing the darkened color. Brushing up naturally can reduce the problems. Improper brushing is the main cause of all tooth diseases. So, brushing teeth regularly and proper is a must to them. According to Orlando Family dentistry ,for the betterment of their teeth from further decay, they should take the following measures as early as possible.*Avoid taking betel nut*Brushing every day of course twice*Visit their dentist for dental check-up regularly. *Rise their mouth regularly*Stop smoking*Change their toothpaste after consulting their dentist.Family dentistry at Orlando believes that if they took necessary early, they would not get those problems of their oral health. The sufferers should take proper care of their teeth till are alive in the world.