Dentist - Healthy Mouth Tips
If you want to have the healthiest mouth possible then you need to follow your dentist's advice. He has lots of tips that you should know to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
When you think about your mouth can you say you are proud of how clean it is,

or do you not want to think about it? Tooth decay affects millions of people in the United States alone. The sad truth about it is it is completely preventable. There are many good tips for oral healthcare that you can get from your dentist. All you have to do is ask and follow his advice and you'll be on your way to a healthier smile in no time.
Flossing is more important than you may think. Just ask your dentist. Did you know that the food left between your teeth, even if just over night, can cause decay? It is important that you floss between each tooth to ensure you get all the trapped bits of food. When flossing you might want to do it before you brush so that any particles of food that you get loose don't get stuck to the surface of your teeth. If they do, then you'll simply brush away the residue. You can ask your oral healthcare professional for tips on proper flossing techniques.
Your toothbrush is the most important tool in your oral healthcare arsenal. There is a lot of debate over which is better for your teeth, electric or manual. Your dentist can give you his take on which one is best. That being said, almost all dentist agree on the following, soft bristles are better than hard, two minutes of brushing will help to ensure your mouth is at its cleanest, and you should replace your tooth brush every two or three months. If you insist on using a hard bristled toothbrush try not to use as much pressure when you brush. When you use a hard bristled toothbrush you run the risk of actually damaging your gums.
Fluoride and calcium are essential for healthy teeth and bones. Your dentist will be the first to tell you that fluoride will actually help protect your teeth from tooth decay. You'll find that all toothpastes have it as an essential ingredient and many municipalities also add it to the water supply to help your teeth stay cavity free. Also by drinking milk or eating calcium rich foods you will be strengthening the enamel also protecting your teeth from decay. Lactose-intolerant, never fear it doesn't matter how you get the added calcium, it's just important that you get it so don't hesitate to take a supplement if necessary.
Brushing, flossing, and essential nutrients are only a part of the healthy teeth regime. To ensure you have the healthiest smile you should visit your dentist at least twice a year. He can make sure that your smile is at its best and offer you any tips that you may need to make your teeth and gums even healthier. He can spot trouble spots before they get worse and keep your teeth intact even if that might mean he has to do a few fillings. It's always a good idea to get in the chair.