Dentist: Know If Yours is a Good One
If you are thinking about switching dental practices, you should consider a few details first. Before you decide, find out if your dentist is likely good, average, or below average when it comes to care.
Having a good dentist can make getting dental work a much more pleasant experience than usual. However,

some patients do not know if their practitioner qualifies as good, bad, or just average. Get some ideas on how yours should be treating you before you decide whether to get a new one.
One of the most important aspects about a good dentist is that you feel that he listens to you and takes you seriously. No one likes to be ignored or rushed out of the office, especially when they have questions or concerns. You are paying the office for a service, and should be sure that you can get your money's worth. If you feel rushed or like you are a nuisance instead of a valued patient, it is time to switch.
Sometimes you might have a question that can be answered over the phone, and does not merit a new visit. If you have concerns or an emergency issue, it is nice to be able to get answers on the phone. Many great practices feature after hours phone services in which a dentist or an assistant can answer questions or even get you in to see someone right away. If yours does not seem interested in answering a brief question over the phone, or refuses to work with you on emergency issues, you are probably better off with someone else.
Your dentist should also be concerned about your comfort. Some do not seem to care, and are fine with jamming instruments down your throat without thinking about whether they are hurting you. This can become a dangerous situation, especially if you are having major work done with tools like a drill. Your practitioner needs to be sure you are not in discomfort or pain. Not only can it be hazardous if you are in pain and your practitioner does not care, but it will make you dread getting dental work more than you should, so this a great reason to switch dentists.
Before you decide whether to get a new practitioner or not, you should take these details into consideration. Not all dentists deserve to be lumped in together since some care a great deal about their patients and only want them to have healthy teeth. If your current dental practice does not answer questions, does not offer extra office hours, and does not seem to care about your health or comfort, consider finding a new one.