Dentist: More than Just Another Checkup
When it comes to your bi-annual checkup are you getting the most out of your visit? Dentists offer so much more than just the x-ray and exam bit. If you want more out of your smile you might want to start by talking to your dentist.
When you make your bi-yearly appointment with your dentist,

what are you going in for? If you are going for the basic cleaning, x-ray and exam, then you are probably missing out on some of the many other services that he provides. While the most important thing you can do during your visit is to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy, there are so many more things that can not only increase the health of your mouth but change the way it looks too. So what can you expect from your local oral health care professional?
The obvious should probably be named first. Sure, filling cavities is just a part of the routine, right? At some point in time, almost everyone has to deal with the unfortunate act of having to have a cavity filled. However, what if your tooth is so chipped that it is leaving a gaping hole? You don't necessarily have to go to a specialist to have something made. Most dentists can take care of bridges that will help to restore your smile. It's not necessarily simple but it is something that may be a necessity for you to have the smile that you can be proud of.
Other than filing the cavities and making bridges, there are other ways that your dentist can take care of your smile. If you are missing teeth altogether, you might not be able to do a simple bridge and you may need a whole new tooth. If that is the case, then your oral health care professional can take care of that too. Dental implants are just one of the many ways to restore your smile to what it once was. By placing a false tooth in the spot where a tooth once was, you can have no embarrassing remarks about your smile. Don't worry: gone are the days that you will have to worry about having a shiny gold or silver tooth in place. Many of today's implants are made of porcelain and are colored to match the surrounding teeth.
If you have a healthy mouth and just want it to look brighter, your dentist can help there too. Teeth whitening is becoming more and more popular. With so many over the counter options, it might seem like a waste of time to schedule a visit. Believe it or not, he may have options for you that will work better than anything you can get in the dental aisle at your local grocery store. Most of the time these options last longer than your typical over the counter products as well.
Teeth whitening, fillings, dental implants and other services are something that is typical of your family dentist. They offer so much more than just a simple exam and lecture on what you should be doing versus what you are doing. These tips, though, can help you avoid the chair more because you'll have less cavities to fill and will be less likely to need dental implants.