Dentists - Never Skip a Visit
Most dentists will recommend a visit at least two times a year. These visits are important because oral health is an indicator of good overall health.
Dentists are medical doctors who have been trained in the care,

diagnosis, and treatment of disease of the oral cavity. Just like the heart, liver, or stomach, the mouth is considered an organ, and therefore deserves special attention and treatment in order to stay healthy. In fact, oral health is a direct indicator of good overall health. Caring for your gums and teeth is so important that even healthy adults should have two visits a year, as opposed to the recommended annual visit with an internal medicine physician.
Caring for and treating any disease of the mouth is a very important aspect of one's overall health. The mouth is a known hotbed for harboring harmful bacteria that can travel further into the body and cause a number of ill health effects. For instance, a simple toothache is not so simple if left untreated. Although it is rare, there have been cases of individuals who have died as a result of an untreated toothache. This is because the toothache is caused by an abscess, or infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, especially the brain. Periodontitis, characterized by the erosion of the bone and tissue surrounding the teeth, is yet another oral condition that can affect other parts of the body if left untreated.
While it is never too late to see a doctor in the event of any one of these oral diseases, most dentists will recommend two yearly visits in order to prevent disease. During these check-ups, dentists will perform a number of techniques to help prevent the development and spread of harmful oral bacteria. Most health providers recommend routine check ups every six months with dentists, along with an annual check up with a general practitioner in order to achieve a higher level of overall good health.
A basic check-up begins with a thorough examination. Many times this includes a visual check for dental cavities. This is especially important because unattended cavities harbor bacteria, which can eventually spread further down to the root and surrounding tissues of the tooth. During this visual check, dentists will also remove any excess plaque, a naturally developing biofilm that can cause cavities. Although plaque is easily removed with daily brushing, some areas of the mouth are hard to reach. Luckily, specialized tools have been designed for scraping and removing plaque from deep within the roots. Once the oral exam is complete, your doctor will then thoroughly clean the teeth with a fluoride treatment.
Oral health is a direct reflection of one's overall health. Although brushing the teeth everyday is a good way to care for the mouth, visiting the dentist at least twice a year is the best way to prevent diseases and complications related to oral disease.