Dermatological Treatment in Dubai

Feb 20


Dr Ali Al

Dr Ali Al

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Our Clinic offers medical aesthetic services carried out under the supervision of Dr. Ali Al Tukmatchy. Our treatments are specifically designed based on your skin type and treatment goals to help you achieve the skin you long for, including: Photo-facials to help lessen the appearance of hyperpigm.


Dermatological treatment procedures mainly focus on treatment of skin conditions as well as improvement of the same. This particular procedure,Dermatological Treatment in Dubai Articles can be done on various parts of the human body and for those seeking dermatological treatment in Dubai, you will be looking at a number of procedures such as;

  1. Mole mapping – this is the screening process that enables a dermatologist to identify the presence of any moles or conditions ingrained in the skin of an individual that are yet to manifest physically. Should such moles be identified, then treatment will start t this early stage which is actually the best way to counter skin conditions before they manifest physically.
  1. If your skin has been damaged by the sun’s rays after a long period of exposure, dermatological treatment in Dubai will help correct the condition and this is more effective as opposed to buying over the counter prescriptions. Such prescriptions may work eventually but the corrective process may be long and there is no guarantee that it will be a success though this is the promise as you buy the prescription. You are better placed with a dermatological treatment.
  1. Wrinkles and aged skin are also part of the factors that majority struggle to contend with and in some situations; this has proved to be difficult. Some procedures may hold for a while but may not be effective since the wrinkles tend to reappear after a while. Success has been realized in this case through dermatological treatment in Dubai, which is a relief to all seeking such services.
  1. Skin filler, skin rejuvenation, treatment of the botox, hydra-facial are part of cosmetic dermatological treatment in Dubai, with the highest demand. These services are mainly sought by those who want to enhance their appearance and the risks of the aftermath associated with this kind of surgical procedures has be reduced drastically as a result of enhanced dermatological procedures.
  1. Children or adults with diseases of the nails and hair as well as those suffering from eczema, acne and psoriasis are the other beneficiaries of dermatological treatment in Dubai, which has contributed a lot in eradication of these conditions. This includes both the diagnosis of the disease before treatment is given and identification of the best way to treat the condition.

Broken blood vessels and varicose veins are also a challenge among many individuals who ultimately find solutions to these problems when they visit a dermatologist. This is a treatment procedure that takes care of most of the health problems that people have struggled with for a long time with reference to the skin and it has proved to be effective.