Dermatology – Discover What These Doctors Do

Dec 23


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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A nice clear, complexion is just about everyone’s goal. Seek out a doctor of dermatology to help you get the skin you want.

Whether you have minor skin issues or a host of problems,Dermatology – Discover What These Doctors Do Articles a doctor that works in dermatology can help. Explore a few common issues this doctor treats. Acne Having pimples and bumps cover you face is no fun at all. While many people, teenagers especially, go through acne at some point; it is still a frustrating ordeal. Seeing a specialist in dermatology is the first step to achieving clear skin. This doctor will help find the source of your acne and offer medication to help you get rid of it. Dry skin It can be extremely frustrating to deal with dry skin. This can be a big problem in the winter months. And although you may use lotion after lotion, this just isn’t enough. A doctor of dermatology can help pinpoint why you aren’t able to moisturize your skin as needed and can offer you some alternatives. Some people need to drink more water, since hydration is a large part of keeping the skin moisturized soft and supple from the inside. Also, a doctor can prescribe a cream that will help your skin get the moisture it needs. Discoloration Whether you’ve had issues such as pimples or blemishes, you can sometimes experience discoloration. If you tried to pop a pimple, it can leave a dark mark where the pimple used to be. Also, if you have discoloration due to laser hair removal or another process, a dermatologist can help get a more even complexion. If the issue is minor, you can use an over-the-counter cream to help fade discolorations. Some people also exfoliate to help slough off old skin and reveal newer, younger skin free of discoloration. Laser hair removal Shaving everyday can be a hassle. Also, when you use razors, you risk cutting yourself and scarring. On the other hand, some people use depilatories or wax to get rid of hair. While this can work and will leave skin smoother than with lasers, the depilatory process can be messy and waxing can prove to be painful. A doctor in dermatology can offer laser hair removal so that you can enjoy hairless skin that most likely won’t come back anytime soon. It usually takes about five to six sessions, depending on the amount of hair you have. Tattoo removal If you got a permanent tattoo and now regret it, there are options. Many times, some people simply cover up their tattoo by using a full-coverage kind of makeup. This can get a bit messy, especially if you have a large area to cover. Others do not want to deal with the hassle of worrying about whether or not the tattoo is completely covered or if the makeup will stay on throughout the day, so they seek other alternatives. Visiting a dermatology professional is a great way to discover your options. These doctors can offer tattoo removal using lasers so you will eventually have tattoo-free skin again. Just be sure that the doctor you visit is experienced with this process and can use lasers that work best for your skin type.