Diabetes has become a common disease among people all over the world today. To combat the wide spread wings of diabetes, several modes of treatments have come up. But diabetes is not just a single disease. It comes in a package of its several forms. Of them the most deadly one is Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is also known as DKA. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is not triggered by itself. It is a consequence for an another diabetes. When diabetes mellitus goes untreated, it takes the shape of Diabetic ketoacidosis. If not taken care of properly, DKA can prove fatal to your life.
In a nut shell, Diabetes Ketoacidosis can be linked to an impaired glucose cycle that begins with the deficiency of the insulin enzyme in your body. If your diabetes goes undiagnosed you can suffer from this condition. And even if you are aware about your diabetic condition but still not taking any proper medication, then no body can stop you to fall in the trap of diabetic ketoacidosis. This form of diabetes is so much dangerous that if kept unnoticed the morality rate can be high as 100 percent.
It has been found that diabetic Ketoacidosis mainly occurs with type 1 diabetes. The reason being the fact that it is related to the circulating insulin disorder. On the other hand, it is less common in type 2 diabetes patients because type 2 diabetes is related to the cells insensitivity to insulin and not to the shortage of it.
Despite having high amount of glucose in the blood, the liver in your body will behave in a way as if your body is starving of glucose. In this case the liver will be forced to produce another type of fuel to fulfill the metabolic functions of your body. As a result the liver will be forced to use the body's triglycerides to produce glucose. This glucose that will be produced will be used by the brain to carry on the functions. In this whole process, ketone bodies are produced as a by-product that help to process the fatty acids.
But like any disease, diabetic Ketoacidosis does have a treatment to it. The treatment mainly consists of the hydration process. Hydration lowers the osmosis property of the blood while replacing the lost electrolytes in it. In the process, insulin is also replaced which results in the production of glucose and potassium in the cells.
But still, prevention is better than cure. If you maintain a proper record of your glucose levels in the blood, the chances of you suffering from this disease remains bleak.
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