Diabetes can affect in children at very young age. It's important for parents to understand the dieases and work on precaution steps to help kid stay healthy.
Diabetes is a very common disease nowadays with the increase consumption of sugar and unhealthy lifestyle of modern citizens. The diabetes will affect the body utilisation of the glucose, which is the major type of sugar in our blood.
The glucose, comes from what we consume throughout the day and it is the main source of energy we need to fuel our body every day’s activities.
In order to burn or use these glucoses in our blood, we need the hormone insulin, another important compound in the blood that works together with glucose.
When one has lack of hormone insulin, they will get diabetes. These people simply cannot generate insulin in their body or their insulin does not work like what it intended to be. There are two types of different diabetes:
Both type of the diabetes are the result of malfunction insulin that unable to absorb the glucose into the body and organ cells normally. This will then cause the increase in blood sugar and eventually lead to severe health issues.
Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, and there is no telling who will be affected by this diabetes. No scientific evidence can back the emergence of this disease in the body. However, scientist suggest that this disease is closely related to one’s gene. If the parents or the ancestor has the case of diabetes, the children are at higher risk of getting type 1 diabetes. In other case, children who expose to some bacteria and viruses do stand a chance to get infected by the type 1 diabetes disease.
This type of diabetes are extremely difficult to be predict and the only precaution action that parent can take is to take annual body check-up for the children and include blood test in the diagnosis. Even the test was positive, the doctor may not have a way to stop or prevent the diabetes from developing in the children.
On the other hand, type 2 diabetes can be prevented. The major health factors that lead one to type 2 diabetes are obesity and unhealthy lifestyle. Experts once though the type 2 diabetes only affect adults but in recent research has proven that children do has the chance to develop type 2 diabetes. This has been closely related to the phenomena of obesity children and unhealthy food consumption among modern children.
The good news is that the children or teenager may be able to delay or avoid the development of type 2 diabetes by better management of their weight and practice a healthier lifestyle. These simple strategies can help reduce your kids’ risk for developing type 2 diabetes and other associated health problems:
For children and teenagers who are overweight as well as practising unhealthy lifestyle, if advisable for parents to start monitoring their food consumption and lifestyle to prevent the development of diabetes.
Consult a doctor or health experts about the case, and they may provide some practical action for you and your children. It is important for children to growth in a healthy shape not just to prevent diabetes, but also other types of potential diseases to develop. Start educating and practising healthy lifestyle at the young age is the key to happy life.