DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction- Advanced Procedure Performed by Highly Skilled Surgeons
The most advanced type of breast reconstruction surgery available today is known as the DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedure. This procedure can be performed immediately following a mastectomy.
There are numerous advances in the area of breast reconstruction,

which gives you the options of choosing one that is best for you. The DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedure is a microsurgical method that calls for the performance of a highly skilled surgeon. With the use of skin, excess fat, and blood vessels that are taken from the patient's lower abdominal region, a new breast that is made of warm, soft, living tissue is created while still leaving all of the mid-section muscles intact.
Some women experience an added benefit from the because it has been known to improved abdominal contouring that is similar to you receiving a tummy tuck. Only about 40 percent of surgeons in America are able to perform the DIEP procedure due to the difficulty of the procedure, even though there are numerous reconstructive breast surgeons available. It may be best to visit a plastic surgery center where the surgeons have extensive experience performing this type of procedure.
If you are about to have a mastectomy procedure done, the DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedure can be done immediately after or at a later time. You gain additional benefits from this procedure, as opposed to the older methods of breast construction, because you do not have to sacrifice your abdominal muscles. There are also additional options in breast reconstruction such as the Stacked DIEP Reconstruction and the Gap Flap that are used on women who do not have enough abdominal fat tissue.
The methods involved in a DIEP procedure include:
- In order to identify and find the blood sources that are located in the abdominal tissue, C scans will be performed on you. the CT scans help the surgeon decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure
- You are placed under general anesthesia
- Your surgeon will make an incision in your chest muscle, and then remove skin from your lower mid-section area, which will consist of subcutaneous tissue, skin, and blood vessels. You will not have muscle removed.
- Your surgeon will perform microsurgery in order to transfer skin flap to your chest, then they will connect the flap to the blood vessels located there.
- Your surgeon will use the skin flap to create new breast mounds
- New areolas and nipples will be created or the will be reconstructed when applicable
If you are interested in a DIEP flap breast reconstruction procedure, call a breast reconstruction center and set up a consultation to learn more. You can also visit their website and fill out a form so someone will get back to you to address the questions you may have.