DIEP Flap: Explaining The Procedure
If you have made a decision to use the DIEP Flap method of breast reconstruction you know that your own body is going to be used to replace what was removed. Read on to learn more.
If you have made a decision to use the DIEP Flap method of breast reconstruction you know that your own body is going to be used to replace what was removed. After going through the entire process of dealing with cancer and multiple treatments you have probably done a lot of communicating with family members about what is going on and how you are choosing to deal with it. Now that you have made this decision you are once again,

probably going to be asked about this as well. But what is the best way to explain it?
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Remember that you can always skip over telling people if you don't want to. By telling your friends and family you gain a support system that can be crucial as you go through the DIEP Flap operation. However, if you just don't want to explain, you don't have to. The decision to be a part of any procedure is completely yours and you have that right.
The Quick Version
The easiest way to tell people about the DIEP Flap is to let them know that instead of adding something to your body as a replacement for your breasts you are going to use another area to compensate. Skin, soft tissue and even some of the blood vessels are moved in order to recreate the look and feel that you once had. For this specific procedure everything that you will need can be found around the abdomen and with an incision right at the bikini line you can begin the process.
The Longer Explanation
Those interested in you and how this will effect you may have plenty of questions. Let them know that you have already talked with your physician and determined that this is the best option for you and your body. You can tell them that you were a candidate for this because you met certain requirements for your health and body style that will make this procedure possible.
If you choose to, you can let them know that the DIEP Flap is not the only operation that uses the body's own resources. There are several other procedures that you can use materials from the legs, the buttocks, and even part of the back for breast reconstruction. Many times women like to share the other unintentional consequence that comes with the DIEP Flap. When all is said and done, your abdomen will be reshaped so that in some ways it will seem as though you have undergone a tummy tuck.
For some family members, your explanation will give them some piece of mind. They may be worried or concerned about you and not know how to voice these things to you. Finding out more about the decision that you have made can set their minds at ease and allow them to realize that you are going to be okay. The people that you choose to surround yourself with love and care about you very much. While it may seem like they have a lot of questions, they just want to make sure that you are going to be content with the decision.