Benefits of the DIEP Flap Procedure
A DIEP flap procedure can be your best choice when it comes to breast reconstruction. Many patients and doctors are now considering doing this.
The DIEP Flap procedure is one option of several that doctors can use to help reconstruct the breast after a mastectomy. When it is necessary to remove the tissues from the breast due to cancer or for other reasons,

the lack of the normal shape can leave many women self conscious and embarrassed. However, with this procedure, it is possible to create normal looking, living tissues in the area. Unlike other procedures, this one offers some clear advantages for overall satisfaction.
How It Works
There are key benefits to using the DIEP Flap procedure. In this type of reconstructive surgery, the goal is to use the patient's tissues to create a new breast mound. This procedure, which stands for deep inferior epigastric perforators, allows for the use of tissue from the abdominal region. Surgeons will remove a portion of the abdominal tissues, including the blood vessels, skin and fat, and then reposition them under the flap created by this procedure when the mastectomy occurs.
Why is it a good choice? For many women, this procedure does have clear advantages over others. With the DIEP Flap procedure, the tissues are removed from the abdomen but the actual muscle remains in place. In other forms of reconstructive surgery, the muscles are moved along with the tissues. This leaves problems for this area of the body. It can lead to bulging or hernias. However, because the muscle is left in place, the body remains in its traditional shape.
In terms of what this procedure can do, it works much like a tummy tuck. The excessive fatty tissue, blood vessels and skin in the area are removed in total, leaving just the flat muscle in the front. This creates a smoother tummy. Some women benefit from losing a few pounds of fatty tissue in this way.
Most importantly, the DIEP Flap is a safe procedure. It allows many women to have very realistic looking breasts. Not only is the tissue in the breast area from the patient, which reduces the risk of additional problems, but it is living tissue. Unlike an implant, it moves and reacts like any other tissue on the body. There are far fewer complications with this type of procedure in the end.
If you are having a mastectomy, discuss your ability to have the DIEP Flap to reconstruct your breasts. In many situations, this procedure is considered the best option because it allows for normal body shaping and muscle mass. This makes it more natural and allows you to get back to living the life you want without a focus on what your body may seem to be lacking. Discuss this procedure with your doctor to learn if it is right for you.