Discover the Hidden Power of Self Motivation

Jun 22


Emily Clark

Emily Clark

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Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivationand mental health. As the implications of helping those withnegative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this iscertainly an area of research that deserves a great deal ofattention.


Psychology Online reports on a study investigating thedifferences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The reportstates that "Although our society is largelyextrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money,Discover the Hidden Power of Self Motivation Articles fameand power, research has indicated those who areintrinsically-motivated by inner desires for creativity,fulfillment and inner satisfaction are psychologically healthierand happier."

How can this help you?

The study of health psychology seeks to understand how ourability to cope with stress can help us to prevent illness andpromote health. Some of these coping mechanisms are naturallyinborn but may be taught to those who lack them. Motivation isone of the tools that researchers are trying to use as acombatant of negative stress reactions.

Motivation is something that we use every day. It's what enablesus to survive - to get food because we're hungry, to go to workto pay the bills or to educate ourselves in order to pursue ahigher goal in life.

How we respond to life's demands can affect our overall health.How are you classified?

The same report on Psychology Online identified those who respondto life with negativity or anxiety as most likely to deal withthe physical affects of anger, guilt, nervousness, frustrationand fear. These emotions can cause hypertension and high bloodpressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Othercomplications include ulcers, arthritis, asthma and kidneydisease.

Some therapists suggest that by using positive self-talk andtrying to restructure the WAY we look at events can offset thephysical and mental effects of dealing with negative or stressfulevents in life.

Interestingly, people who tend to focus on themselves as thecontroller of their fate - in fact 'self-motivated' - are morelikely to feel a sense of control when stressors affect them.Instead of blaming something or someone else they have themotivation to deal with a problem and look for a reasonablesolution. This positive behavior helps them to achieve goals andfind personal contentment.

Therapists try to teach patients how to emulate this positivereaction to stress and use their motivation as a source ofempowerment. Learning to manage stress and using motivation toset goals, work through a problem or fix it can in turn promotebetter mental and physical health.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.
