The chigger dance is not just a sport for newbies. Chiggers will take on all new and old challengers. The chigger offers great entertainment and compatition to young and old. Every chigger season a produces a new game of gladiators locked in mortal combat. The coliseum is the bedroom and the gladiator is a defenseless warrior.
Chigger season is here and the search is on again for a cure for chigger bites .
Every spring brings an infusion of chigger mites. And the victim makes their annual pilgrimage to the local drug store to collect their useless chigger remedy. Such is the blessings of spring and the infamous chigger.
Many people have lived with chigger bite most of their lives and still wonder how to get rid of chiggers.
I always contend the best possible cure for chigger bites is not to get them. But that is not going to happen,

so how do you get relief from the chigger bite?
First off, it helps to know the enemy. The chigger is not in the skin. They are on the skin. They are biters, not borers. They are not true insects that sting. (Now, isn't that bit of news some worth while information?).
Tip. To repel chiggers, tape Bounce drier sheets to your trouser cuffs. To repel deer tape a sheet on each front corner of your truck. To repel ants from your house place Bounce dryer sheets around the perimeter of your house.
The idea is to keep chigger larvae off your body. Chigger larvae like to crawl all over the place. As fast as the chigger moves, it does take it a while to locate a suitable location to latch on.
IF you are paying attention you just discovered a clue to protect yourself from chigger bites. Since a chigger does not attack immediately like a mosquito, it gives the host (you) a chance to knock the chigger off before he/she starts biting.
Usually those places are in areas where clothes are tight fitting, in dark, moist and warm areas, but not always. The male chigger seems to like to the groin area where as female chigger likes to go for the leg and arm pits. That sounds pretty normal.
How to get rid of chiggers, you ask? During chigger season, change clothes (preferably someplace where you don't want chiggers to bed down). Get them (chiggers and clothes) into a nice hot wash and yourself into a very hot shower or bath. Preferably a bath with no bleach or other chemicals added. Scrub yourself down with soap and a wash cloth for about 15 minutes or so. You might also want to add water.
If after a few hours you realize the State's champion has lanced you, apply some direct heat from a hair dryer for about 2 minutes. Direct the hot air at the bite and keep the heat on for as hot as you can stand without burning.
Another handy household chigger treatment, if you have a baby in the house, apply diaper rash ointment to the chigger bite.
There is other more permanent chigger remedies that are natural chigger bite remedy.
Would-be remedy for chigger bites are as plentiful as the people looking for the one which works. You do not have to be hapless victim in this game of man against beast. You can win it, if you are smarter than the beast.