Does Your Health Worry You?

Mar 11


Paul Abbey

Paul Abbey

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Cerebal palsy will affect the muscle tone, movement and motor skills.


I feel much better that I am no longer obsessed with reading articles on health. If you’re not careful,Does Your Health Worry You? Articles your start realizing your friends are avoiding you because you bore them silly about being healthy. It’s probably easy to understand because I was hugely overweight and after losing it and getting as shape back then perhaps you can understand why someone becomes obsessed with staying that way.

I just had to keep up to date with every new exercise workout, diet ideas and supplements to help prolong my life. You see, I read so many articles on health I started to see the contradictions about what as good for you and what was bad, and they kept changing the rules. Take soy for example, one group of scientists tell you it’s good for you then another group say don’t touch it because it promotes the development of female hormones in men amongst other side effects. Finding the best diet and exercise regime that keeps me fit and well for as long as possible is the only goal I have but it is a problem.

Every article on health that I read, however, has a different idea of what that would mean. Now take coffee, alcohol and chocolate, three great American favorites, which were considered detrimental to your health, until recently, that is. Now it turns out that wine is good for you, beer is good for you provided it is dark beer, chocolate is good for you if it is dark chocolate, and even coffee has been found to have some health benefits when used in moderation. It is just as stupid as saying that dairy ice cream and cake are good cholesterol reducing foods.

For me, I’ve had it with all the advice these magazines and their so called health specialists say, so as far as I’m concerned, I will take full responsibility for my health in future. Of course it won’t stop me reading articles on health but in future I will decide how much of it I take notice of. At the very best, articles on health can give me some health tips that will help me figure out how to exercise, and how to eat right, but the rest is just me listening to my body. Of course I want to have a healthier life and be happier at the same time but I believe it is now down to my judgment with very little interference from the food police.

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