Drug intervention can be a difficult decision to make. You may feel that you have already tried everything, and so are skeptical about the possible su...
Drug intervention can be a difficult decision to make. You may feel that you have already tried everything,

and so are skeptical about the possible success of a professional intervention. Well, what if you don’t intervene? Your loved one will eventually hit rock bottom. But rock bottom is a dangerous place. Every day spent in addiction is one less day living life.
When someone is addicted to drugs, their personality changes, and so does every aspect of their life. What was once a best friend is now a complete stranger. Drug users have unpredictable behaviors and moods. Will they be high? Will they be violent? Confrontational? Your life is filled with uncertainty.
Professionals understand what you and your family are going through now, and they also understand what you’ve been going through, possibly for years, with your addicted family member. Professionals are the best people to turn to for interventions because they can offer an objective point of view. They have the knowledge and experience to ascertain a formula that can be used to successfully rehabilitate an addict.
A professional is trained to not be manipulated or controlled by an addict. They do not succumb to the promises and excuses that addicts so often offer in response to a confrontation. Addicts will often try to convince you that they can handle the problem on their own. But when? And how many times have they already said this? Promised this? Maybe even tried this?
When you decide to turn to a professional for a drug intervention, your and your loved one’s lives will drastically change. After the initial confrontation conducted by the professional, the addict will be encouraged to undergo immediate rehabilitation. But it’s not only the addict that will be rehabilitated.
Professionals will work with you and your family to help educate you on how to best love and care for your addicted family member. Often, there are family dynamics that feed into the addiction. You may be enabling your loved one, or creating an environment of codependency without even realizing it.
Addicts are often expert manipulators. They know what promises to commit to, what threats to make, or what strings to pull to get their way. This doesn’t make you a weak person, this just makes you human. Professionals can teach you a new, more successful script that will help you break this codependent cycle. With the insight of a professional, you can come to recognize the patterns of manipulation that cripple your relationship with your addicted loved one.
Professionals understand that your actions and reactions are motivated by your love and concern. It is the job of a professional not to judge you for forming a codependent relationship with your addicted loved one. They have sat through many cases similar to yours and have passed the learning curve. With their added experience, professionals can guide you and your family through the healing process.
Why wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom when you can help change their life now? Working with a professional in a drug intervention can save your loved one’s life and restore yours. There is never a better time than now.