Early Symptoms of Pregnancy
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After conception,
the body starts producing pregnancy hormones that trigger various bodily changes and symptoms of pregnancy. Learning the early signs of pregnancy will work far better than your assumptions in suspecting pregnancy. 1 - Missed CycleMissing a period is among the earliest signs of pregnancy. If you miss a period by two or three weeks, you may suspect conception, however, women suffering from PCOS may delay or miss a period because of their medical condition. Take a home pregnancy test if you happen to miss your period.2 - FatigueTiredness and energy deprivation are commonly experienced in the first trimester of pregnancy. Fatigue is the result of tumultuous changes that your body is undergoing in an attempt to nurture a baby. 3 - Tenderness of the breastIn the first few days of pregnancy, you may experience extreme tenderness and soreness in the breasts. Touching or fondling them may be painful. Changes in the breasts are a result of innumerable hormonal changes that a woman goes through during pregnancy. 4 - Heartburn and ConstipationWith conception, a woman’s digestive process slows down thus, during the second month of pregnancy; you may experience heartburn and constipation.5 - Nausea and morning sicknessElevated levels of the HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone lead to morning sickness and feeling of nausea. These conditions are experienced in the first trimester, especially in the middle of the second and third month. You may experience morning sickness during any time of a day. Usually, nausea disappears with the commencement of the second trimester. 6 - Increased Body’s Basal TemperatureAfter conception, you may notice an increase in your body’s basal temperature. Pregnancy makes one feel a little warmer than usual. Keep a tab on your body’s changing temperature and immediately bring any unusual changes to your gynaecologist notice. 7 - Darkening of AreolasAnother early indicator of pregnancy is the darkening of areolas of the breasts. It is caused by higher oestrogen and progesterone levels in the body that lead to pigmentation. Increased blood circulation after conception may also be a reason. 8 - Mood Swings and IrritabilityHormonal changes during pregnancy induce sudden and frequent mood swings. The level of irritability also heightens. Mood swings and increased irritation are among the premenstrual symptoms, however, during pregnancy, they are usually far more pronounced. If you notice any of the aforementioned , take a home pregnancy test to check and consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy.