After pregnancy, you'll want to say "Bye-Bye Baby Belly" but going out for a meal can be a real challenge. If you're not sure what to order, read on for some great tips and techniques. Enjoy your meal: no calorie counting or going hungry. You don't even have to give up your favourite foods!
An hour before eating out, it's a good idea to drink a couple of glasses of water and then 30 minutes before you go, have a small snack. How about a small sandwich with some lean ham and a little Edam cheese, for example? These simple steps will take the edge off your appetite and slow the absorption of any alcohol into the bloodstream. Alcohol is an appetite stimulant and if you're ravenous when you arrive at the restaurant, it's harder to make healthy food choices. Remember, you're not on a diet or dieting, just making better choices!
If pre-meal snacks are on offer, avoid crisps and fried snacks. A few nuts or olives are a good choice, or better still, look for vegetables, such as celery sticks or small tomatoes. Give any dips a miss too if you can.
Take your time choosing from the menu and don't feel swayed by what others are ordering. Look for tasty dishes with plenty of green vegetables or salads and avoid anything fried, with cream or rich sauces. Avoid dressings, other than olive oil. Drizzle this over greens or salads with some salt and pepper - delicious and very healthy!
If you fancy an alcoholic drink, try a glass of wine (preferably red) and at least two glasses of still water for every one of wine. This will ensure that you stay hydrated and also fill you up. A small glass of dry cider is another suitable alcoholic option. Diet carbonated drinks are little better than the standard versions for promoting healthy weight-loss as they contain additives and artificial sweeteners. Try orange juice (not squash) mixed with still or sparking water and a slice of orange - a refreshing and healthy choice.
For desert, look for fresh fruit salad (no cream), sorbet or a small portion of lower fat cheese, rather than a traditional sweet or pudding.
When going out with the children, it's best to suggest somewhere other than a fast-food restaurant and don't be tempted to finish their leftovers. Look for a restaurant with a variety of healthy foods on offer, especially those where you can find lean protein, such as fish without batter or coatings.
If you have the opportunity to look at the menu before going out, this will enable you to make a more relaxed and informed choice. Many restaurants publish their menus on-line or call them and ask to see the menu a day or two beforehand.
So, you can say "Bye-Bye Baby Belly" while enjoying nutritious and healthy meals out and about. No diet required after pregnancy - just good information and the right choices.
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