It is obvious that exercise directly helps the loss ofexcess weight by burning ... It is less well ... exercise also has indirect benefits for ... studies have found tha
It is obvious that exercise directly helps the loss of
excess weight by burning calories. It is less well known
that exercise also has indirect benefits for controlling
Many studies have found that even moderate exercise can
improve the feeling of well being and vitality. When you put
aside a sluggish body, you also tend to put aside cravings
for food, especially harmful foods. Of course, if you have
really gone all out in burning calories, your body will tell
you that you need to eat. But you will tend to taper off as
you satisfy your body's real needs.
Here's a trick that works for me. If weather cooperates, a
walk before breakfast helps me to be satisfied with a small
breakfast of well chosen foods. If my schedule allows, a
half hour of jogging, then shower, before lunch helps me be
satisfied with a light meal.
Play around with this concept, and listen to what your body
tells you. You might well find that heavy exercise after
supper is out of the question, but medium to heavy exercise
which ends 30 to 60 minutes before supper can actually
reduce your craving for food, especially deserts.
Don't forget, however, that wise choices of food types means
you can eat heartily without counting carbs or calories.
Don't Just Rent Your Body
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One of the wonders of the modern world is that we can enjoy foods from other places and times. Books, ... TV shows, internet ... ... cultural events, as well as ethnic ... aFast Diet Fraud
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