Face Lift - Realistic Steps to a Younger You
When you are considering a face lift then you probably know exactly what you want. Looking younger is a great thing if you remember to keep your requests reasonable.

bags, and wrinkles that’s what most of us see when we look in the mirror. Thanks to the harmful chemicals that fill our skies, especially when you live in a large city, many of us look a lot older than we are. Chemicals like exhaust, smoke, and smog can add years to our bodies. Add to that spending a lot of time in the sun with not a lot of protection and you’re just asking to look years older. If you are tired of looking older than you are then you might be considering a face lift.
A face lift is a way to get rid of the wrinkles and fine lines that are plaguing you when you look in the mirror. By pulling and tightening the skin you can actually start looking your age or younger in a few weeks of the surgery. It is a relatively simple procedure but the results can look completely natural if they are done correctly. The important thing to remember is that for it to look natural where no one will know you’ve had any work done is to have realistic expectation of what your physician can do for you during the procedure.
The face lift procedure is performed by making an incision along the hairline from ear to ear. Your surgeon will then pull the skin away from the underlying muscles. He will remove and redistribute some of the excess fat from the area and will tighten some of the muscles. After all this is accomplished he will then pull the skin tight. Excess skin will be removed and the incision closed up. The scar will then be concealed by the hair line. It is a relatively simple procedure and you should be able to resume your normal activities within a couple of weeks.
When you are considering a face lift you need to be realistic. If you have deeper lines and wrinkles you are still going to have some when the procedure is finished. They will be finer and less noticeable but they will still be there. You are not going to be able to erase all indications of age but by reducing those deep wrinkles to fine lines then you will erase years. If you have to high expectations then you might end up looking more like the crypt keeper instead of the natural beauty that you were looking for.
If you aren’t sure about what would be considered reasonable then speak to the plastic surgeon performing the face lift. The two of you need to be in communication about your expectations and most reasonable results. If you are asking for too much then your surgeon should be able to reel you in and give you some alternatives that you will like. The important thing isn’t so much removing all evidence that you’ve aged, it’s to reverse the course of time to look younger and look great at the same time.