Face Lift Repeat
This article is about a face lift repeat. It talks about why there is a need to do it as well as when it is most feasible to do.
A face lift is a cosmetic surgery undertaking that is used to improve and alter the physical facial appearance of an individual. Basically,

the purpose of the procedure is to remove excess skin and tissue which give the owner a sagging appearance. The usual areas where these occur are the eyes, jowls, neck and the cheeks. Other areas might also have wrinkles due to the constant shifting movement of the facial region, like smiling, frowning and talking.
There are several different kinds of techniques connected to this procedure and many of these are connected to specific features in the area. In most of the operations, the results are satisfactory and very well received by the patients. Plastic surgeons often guarantee their work for up to ten years, before the patient may need another operation to correct any aging that may occur through the years. There are times when a secondary face lift may be necessary.
The repeat is something that can occur right after the allotted ten years is up. Many patients will be able to see the difference that this span of years has brought and will be more than willing to make arrangements for this. On the other hand, some patients may not be overly satisfied with the results of their initial operation. This can happen as a result of scarring, human error and excessive trimming or reduction of tissue and skin. A windswept, surprised and a feline appearance are just a few of the results that can happen when there is an error of judgment on the part of the surgeon. There are some operations that can actually be corrected after several months, but there are others that will need several years in order to correct. The face lift that usually happens after ten years is the result of aging and basically has the same low risk factors as the initial one.
Patients need not fear the worst case scenario with the secondary one because it can be treated as a follow up or a maintenance procedure. Corrective treatment on the other hand may need some time to do because there has already been some damage to the region. Skin may need to be left to grow some more or to sag in order to do the corrections. Tissue expanders in this are very inconvenient since there will be a bulge in the area. The repeat face lift process may occur a year after the first one because the body needs time to heal itself. Doctors are usually confident with the results of the following correction or treatment although there are some cases where they are very conservative when it comes to their expected results.
It is advisable that the initial procedure be somewhat conservative in terms of changes and alterations especially when it encompasses the entirety of the facial region. Mistakes here can be obvious and may not be so easy to correct. Qualified and certified doctors should do the work in order to be sure of satisfaction, but this is not a sure-fire way of having no mistakes.