Considering face lift alternatives? In this article, we will outline a few DIY tips to help you achieve the look you're after.
A face lift can be an expensive and painful procedure. Scarring potential along with an extensive recovery time can be a bit much for many people to digest. Thankfully,

those weary of surgical means have a few options available to them. With proper skin care, a variety of beauty products and a bit of makeup, you can easily provide yourself with a face lift-type look without the hassle and expense that comes along with it. In this article, we will outline a few tips to help you achieve the look you're after.
Step 1 - Start out by taking a close look at the facial areas that require the most attention. That's right, stand yourself up, head to the bathroom and say hello to your new canvas. Peer into the mirror to assess which areas require a face lift. Special emphasis should be placed on the brows, mouth and eye areas.
Step 2 - Grab your tweezers and clean up your eyebrows to help achieve an eye lift effect. An eyebrow pencil can then be used to help you obtain an arched-type shape that appears neither too straight nor high. Don't overdo it! Subtlety is your goal.
Step 3 - Head down to your local pharmacy and purchase a variety of makeup and skin care products. Avoid cheaper brands, keeping in mind that you're making actually saving yourself a large chunk of money by avoiding surgery in the first place. Rest assured that you will notice the difference in quality products.
Step 4 - Do your research and purchase a quality skin moisturizer, SPF and a night cream to help cleanse your pores and tighten up your skin. Make a routine out of your application and be sure to apply SPF to your skin prior to adding makeup to help you achieve that younger, vibrant look.
Step 5 - Find and start using a complimentary blush color to help you define your cheeks. Apply using upward strokes and blend, Blend BLEND! Add a concealer around the eyes and darker areas to help you get rid of bags and eye circles. When done properly, it can have the effect of an expensive eye lift procedure.
Step 6 - If you don't already, begin wearing high-quality eye liner, applying it in a light, upward manner. Obtain a quality lip liner to add to the equation to help your lips pop, adding a little extra something to your face.
Step 7 - If you're unsure of which makeup brands to purchase, consider heading into a local department store makeup section. Speak with the clerk and let them know what you're going for. Chances are, they will have more than a few recommendations for you.
Step 7 - Don't get frustrated if you don't get things right the first couple times around. Practice makes perfect. If you're a little nervous about wearing your new look out on the town, hone your techniques on an evening when you're home alone. Experiment and have fun! In time, you'll be looking at a brand new you!