Be very aware of those around you that could be suffering depression. It is possible that they could take their own lives through suicide which is a 21st century globally growing phenomenon.
Fight 21st century Depression.
Depression can strike anyone and you may not even realize that it is your best friend a member of your own family or even one of your children until it is too late! If you are not rained to spot the symptoms you may end up with a suicide note or the loss of someone you never thought was suffering under stress and depression. Suicide is on the increase worldwide with more people taking their lives no matter age they are. The current average statistics stand at over a million people worldwide with some even as young as the age of thirteen taking their lives when everything was just too much. Biblically it has been said that taking your own life dooms you to an afterlife of unrest.
Even you may be suffering from the dark moments of depression and there are signs you can look for.
Symptoms of depression
Symptoms may vary from person but most are similar. The most prominent are constant tiredness and anxiety. More are feeling down, emotional and tearful, a struggle to get up in the mornings with no desire to face the day. Others symptoms include no desire or interest in anything including food or alternatively compulsive eating. Lastly anger, aggression, restless sleep, and social withdrawal are definitely signs that all is not well.
What to do if you are feeling depressed?
If you recognize that you are feeling depressed then seeking medical help is a definite solution. There are also some useful ways to help yourself get through your condition. Start by breathing deeply and while doing so imagine butterflies in your stomach. Seek inner strength through prayer and remembering that you are really not alone. Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol which can even worsen depression. It may be useful to make a list of things that are getting you down as well. Talk to someone about your depression rather than struggle through it alone. You will be comforted to know that they will more than likely really be happy to help you. Eat healthily and heartily and spoil yourself with something special.
Look for warning signs of depression.
Do not ignore symptoms of depression in colleagues, friends or even in your family. If you see someone is down for more than a few days then approach them and offer your help. Many people think that money problems are the sole cause of depression but this is certainly not the case. If you are feeling depressed yourself, then never mind whether people call you neurotic or silly, rather seek counseling and help for your problem. Depression is a recognized disease worldwide that can be treated with professional help and also certain mood medications.
Avoid depressing factors of life.
Stop watching bad news on T.V movies that are sad and if you have a stressful career perhaps for your own health you should look for an alternative. If money problems are causing you huge stress work out a plan to pay off your debt a little at a time and feel better about every dollar that goes towards it. Most importantly of all is to know that you are really not alone because someone out there is ready to help you if you just extend your hand to them. Life is life simply make the best of every little aspect of it and try and enjoy it to the fullest. We are all on this planet together.
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