A boon, a blessing, a new confident beginning for all those with imperfect teeth or no teeth at all. A life span, half of which most people spend sans the most important and often the most ignored part of their body-their teeth!
What fools indeed we morals are, To lavish care upon a car with never a bit of time to see or care about our own machinery. The first one being that this treatment hurts.
I was tickled pink to read these lines on my way back home from the day’s work printed on a boy’s shirt who himself wasn’t any less than a couch potato incessantly binging on a candy. However, this made me realize how much we glorify our technological success which has helped us to increase our life span. Indeed! A life span, half of which most people spend sans the most important and often the most ignored part of their body-their teeth!
Sometime back, a very popular celebrity was quoted as saying, “doctors can give us what god does not”. I partly agree. God gave us two set of teeth-milk teeth which we all shed as kids and permanent teeth which we tend to shed as we age, all thanks to our dietary habits, neglect and poor upkeep! Obviously the insatiable, careless human beings that we are, there arises a need for the third set of teeth too! Glorifying our technological success again here, it takes great pleasure to tell my readers about medical science’s best and the latest antidote for edentulism-the DENTAL IMPLANTS. A boon, a blessing, a new confident beginning for all those with imperfect teeth or no teeth at all!
Essentially, a dental implant replaces your damaged or missing teeth. Any such flaws are camouflaged by surgically implanting teeth within the patient’s jawbone. Titanium is the material of choice for it because of its biocompatibility. The moment the bone grows for the titanium implant and becomes incorporated and engrossed (a process known as oessointegration), the gum is lifted and a temporary healing cap is inserted along with the implant. Once the gum starts maturing around the surgical site four to six weeks later, the final touches are performed relating to the new tooth. And you are transformed into a new confident individual with a clearer speech, a sky high self esteem which was earlier subdued watching people enjoy meals that you could only dream of having and a dazzling smile, a smile which takes but a moment but the memory of which would last forever, “I wake up smiling” becoming a new metaphor for life’s enlightening moments.
However there are a certain misconceptions regarding this practice. The first one being that this treatment hurts. No it doesn’t-neither you nor your pocket. Due to anesthesia and conscious sedation, the patient doesn’t even come to know when the procedure is done. As far as the affordability factor is concerned, the cost of this treatment in India is one-tenth its global cost. Secondly, people think that this treatments lasts for about an year. Well, glorifying our technological success yet again I would just want to clear the air and let my readers know that with the invention of new systems like basal implants, this procedure has wrapped up into a single-stage procedure where the whole treatment right from placement of implant to loading the crowns can be done only in one day. Thirdly, age is no bar and any adult with controlled medical conditions can undergo this treatment.
We at 32 FACTS, MODI’S DENTAL AND PROSTHODONTIC CENTRE have completely evolved from that routine and entail many advanced techniques and state of art tools to resolve any dental ailments or problems in a short, painless hassle-free manner. We will be pleased to extend our services to you and welcome you to the 32 facts family.
What Is The Main Symptom Of Pyorrhoea?
Pyorrhoea will ultimately cause obliteration of the bone that support teeth and often escorts to teeth are loose and ultimately fall out.Know about Prosthodontics Treatment
Prosthodontics Treatment primary refers to the dental specialty which basically involves the diagnosis effective treatment, smooth and remedies maintenance of the oral function.Plasma Bleaching System
laser whitening, a scientific innovation furnish enhanced result. Plasma lamps, halogens are other types of brighteners which gives a better result. Children under 12 years and pregnant lady are not recommendation for laser treatment.