Free Repeat Prescriptions Online

Feb 23


Yogesh Giri

Yogesh Giri

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Nowadays, most of the work is done through internet. Due to the advancement in the internet technology,


 the work load and time of the doctors are saved with the help of online repeat prescriptions. Even the stress of the patients of visiting the doctors and waiting for the doctor to check up is relived.

The process of repeat prescription is very simple,Free Repeat Prescriptions Online Articles but not efficient. However, it is more convenient than visiting a doctor and get the prescription or getting the prescription from the nearest pharmacy company. Unless and until you visit the doctor and consult them personally, getting medicine from online or nearest pharmacy shop is not a good idea. Once you get the prescription, then its fine to buy the medicine from any pharmacy shops or online medicine sites, as you know what to purchase and since it is described by the doctor so it's safe.

Repeat Prescriptions for many of us at the best of times can be a real hassle and inconvenience. is a free, new and revolutionary service that allows you to manage your repeat prescriptions online – that’s your way, at your leisure and at your pace.

The service is completely FREE and available for all UK NHS residents.

To use the service, simply register your details, select your surgery & pharmacy, note the medications from your repeat prescription form and confirm whether you will be collecting your medicine or if you would like it delivered.

Once registered, will provide an automatic email reminder service to make reordering and managing your repeat prescription easier than it’s ever been. provides you with the option to choose whether you would like to collect your medicine from your selected Pharmacy or if you would like it delivered. It is important to note that not all Pharmacies deliver and those that do only deliver locally.

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