Gertsmann syndrome Detailed Information

Sep 14


Juliet Cohen

Juliet Cohen

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Gerstmann syndrome is a cluster of neurological symptoms that comprises difficulty writing (dysgraphia or agraphia), difficulty with arithmetic (dyscalculia or acalculia), an inability to distinguish left from right, and difficulty identifying fingers (finger agnosia).


Gerstmann's Syndrome is also known as developmental Gerstmann Syndrome and Gerstmann Tetrad. Gerstmann's syndrome is a cognitive injury that results from damage to an exact area of the brain -- the left parietal lobe in the region of the angular gyrus. It may arise after a stroke or in association with damage to the parietal lobe.

Gertsmann syndrome is frequently connected with brain lesions in the dominant (usually left) side of the angular and supramarginal gyri near the lay and parietal lobe junction. Two types of Gerstmann syndrome have been identified: an acquired form that arises in adults who have suffered brain injury through stroke or trauma,Gertsmann syndrome Detailed Information Articles and a developmental form that has been noted in children. The risk factors for the adult type are as for strokes. In adults, the syndrome may occur after a stroke or in association with damage to the parietal lobe. The speech area is in the dominant hemisphere that is on the left in over 95% of right handed people.

It is also on the left in 75% of left handed people but in the other 25% it appears to be bilateral. Good diagnosis and support is necessary so that individuals with Gerstmann syndrome can maintain the strongest possible self-esteem. Care must be taken not to suggest that the individual's failed efforts are due to laziness or lack of caring. There is no healing for Gerstmann syndrome. Occupational and speech therapies may assist reduce the dysgraphia and apraxia. Supportive therapy may teach several skills, but will also assist identify bypass strategies that can be employed. Gerstmann syndrome with the tasks of writing.

Word processing programs on computers, involving those that have voice-recognition capability, can greatly help someone with Classroom accommodations for children with Gerstmann syndrome can assist assure success. In matures, several of the symptoms diminish with time. Although it has been suggested that in children symptoms may reduce over time, it appears likely that most children probably do not overcome their deficits, but learn to adjust to them.