Getting a Post Pregnancy Tummy Tuck
While many individuals benefit from abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck as it is better known, by far the type of patient who benefits the most is one who is choosing the procedure after pregnancy. Pregnancy stretches the skin in a woman’s abdomen, creating a drooping, saggy appearance.
While many individuals benefit from abdominoplasty,

or a tummy tuck as it is better known, by far the type of patient who benefits the most is one who is choosing the procedure after pregnancy. Pregnancy stretches the skin and tissue in a woman’s abdomen, creating a drooping, saggy appearance. No amount of exercise or diet can take care of stretch out skin. The abdominoplasty represents the most permanent, effective way to deal with this cosmetic fault.
The best candidates for an abdominoplasty are those patients who have attained and maintained a healthy weight. It is not a weight loss procedure, but is rather designed to remove unwanted skin and a little bit of fat. You should be in good physical shape and free of any dangerous health conditions.
Also, if you are considering a post-pregnancy tummy tuck, make sure you are done having babies. While you may think you are done, you may change your mind at a later time. Take some time to reflect on whether or not you will have any more kids. Of course, this procedure does not prevent you from having a healthy pregnancy, but a future pregnancy may ruin your results.
Next, talk to your doctor about your health. Are you ready for surgery? Has it been long enough after birth that your body has had time to recover? If so, then you can talk to cosmetic surgeon about abdominoplasty.
You may also want to consider the age of your children. A tummy tuck is a major abdominal surgery, and you will not be able to perform your regular activities with your kids for a few days or weeks after the procedure. You will be instructed to avoid strenuous activity for six weeks after your procedure, and this may include lifting your children. Many women find it advantageous to wait until their children are somewhat self-sufficient before having this procedure, because they will not need to be lifting children while recovering from abdominal surgery.
Another consideration that you should make is whether or not you want to have another cosmetic procedure done. Often, a tummy tuck and another procedure, like breast augmentation, can be combined, saving you a little bit of money and a lot of recovery time by not having two procedures. Since your breasts also will change after pregnancy and nursing a baby, you may feel that you could benefit from a combination of procedures. You may also want to add some liposuction to the mix to help tone your abdomen even further. Talk to your surgeon about this possibility and the recovery time you would be looking at by combining procedures into one “mommy makeover” treatment.
Remember, your body is a powerful thing. You grew another living thing inside your womb and nourished it from your body once it was born. You deserve to help your body return to its former appearance, so you can be as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside. A tummy tuck can help you do this.