Getting to know more about the causes of excessive sweating
It is advisable that you seek professional help if you are suffering from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. It is a normal function of the body to sweat because this is the way that the body flushed out toxins, excess fluids and salts. Hyperhidrosis is primarily due to overproduction of sweat by the sweat glands. In not treated early, this condition can affect your whole aspect of your life.
It is worthwhile to ask professional advice to doctors or specialist if you are currently bothered by hyperhidrosis or commonly known as excessive sweating. Sweating is a normal body function because this is the way that the body removes toxins,

excess fluids and salts out of the system. Hyperhidrosis is mainly because of the overproduction of sweat by the sweat glands. In this condition is not treated early, it can lead to more serious problems.
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating can affect your physical state and even the emotional and social aspects of your life. Lower self-esteem, insecurity, difficulty to socialize with people and even trouble gripping things are some example of troubles that excessive sweating can give to you. You can say that you have excessive sweating condition if your feet, hands, face or armpits sweats too much even if you are just resting and doing nothing.
On the other hand, the true causes of excessive sweating are still unclear for many of the victims. What triggers excessive sweating varies and are case-to-case basis. Hence, there is no uniform treatment for it. Those individual suffering from excessive sweating may experience difficulty as they look for the right treatment; there are some people who will find cure in prescription medications, but not for all.
Scientifically, it is the overproduction of sweat by the sweat glands because of the sympathetic nervous system as the main cause. Several studies revealed that excessive sweating is mainly triggered by something that enhances the production of sweat. Some examples of these things are as follows: too much intake of foods rich in sugar and water, pre-existing medical disease like diabetes, and engaging in strenuous activities such as sports are prone to sweat than normal as well.
In addition to those causes of excessive sweating, there are studies suggesting that hyperhidrosis and mental behaviour are correlated. Many individual are apt to sweat more if he/she will experience anxiety or panic attacks. These behavioural causes trigger the development of non-medical treatment that will eliminate the behavioural causes of excessive sweating. Of all of the created treatment, the “Stop Sweating, Start Living” written by Michael Ramsey is arguably the most effective.
Michael Ramsey did not use the conventional method, but introduced new way to eliminate hyperhidrosis in his three easy steps. Until now, more than 15,000 individuals tried it and become free from excessive sweating. Within 15 days, your excessive sweating will be eliminated s long as you follow the step-by-step guides properly. It has a high success rate of about 95% in which people get his/her desired result using this method. This method is a very cost effective one and does not consume much of your time.