Getting tough on weight at bootcamp
Instead, the Bikini Bootcamp emphasizes eating natural foods and exercising.
Bikini bodies are sexy. And nearly every woman has dreamed of having a body that she can slip into a sexy bikini on the shores of a luxurious beach. Unfortunately,

most of us women aren't blessed with a figure that effortlessly stays fit and slim. Instead, the rigors of daily life take their toll and we're forced to watch everything we eat while exercising ferociously just to keep our weight steady. But, having that sexy bikini body is within our reach. The answer lies on the majestic shores of Tulum, Mexico.Melissa And Erica Break GroundIn 2002, having already traveled through much of Southeast Asia, a woman named Melissa began to forge the plan to create a resort. In contrast to many of the hotels she had stayed in during her travels, Melissa wanted her resort to offer direct and immediate access to a gorgeous beach while providing a menu of the healthiest and most tasteful foods of the region. Melissa's best friend, Erica, was working in Public Relations in New York City at the time. Her friend begged Erica to join her on the adventure. The timing proved perfect and Erica soon left her job to help Melissa build her dream resort. With a comfortable setting and style, they called their resort Amansala and started to design their Bikini Bootcamp.How The Bootcamp WorksThe two best friends have created a weight loss program that focuses on enjoying the great tastes of meals cooked with simple and healthy ingredients. There are no strange diet drinks that taste like sand. Deprivation of delicious foods is discouraged. Foods that are high in fiber, lean in protein and low in fat are included in the program. These foods include beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.While some weight loss programs offer a menu of tasteless foods, the Bootcamp specializes in meals that explode with flavor. Guests are treated to dinners with titles such as Tortillaless Tortilla Soup, Amansala Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing and Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Crushed Peanuts. Most of the dishes are influenced by Mexican and Asian cuisine. Exotic tastes rule the day and the meals are designed to create a satisfying culinary experience while making your body feel full.But, more than a mere palate-pleasing array of meals, the Bikini Bootcamp also provides a regimen of different exercises designed to tone your body. Your day can include yoga and walking, circuit training and exercises to strengthen your core (done every other day). Because a diet program without physical activity to burn calories is worthless, the Bootcamp considers this exercise routine critical for those who want a flatter, firmer body that's bikini-ready.If you're thinking about slipping into a sexy bikini but are concerned that your body hasn't kept up with your imagination, consider exploring the Bikini Bootcamp. By enjoying tasty meals, magnificent beaches and an exercise program designed to flatten and firm your body, you'll can be ready to show off your body sooner than you think. It's time to take your bikini off the rack.