Ginekolog issues of women such as Kondilomi and the role of ultazvuk trudnoca
Ginekolog is the branch of medicine which deals with health care for women, especially the diagnosis and treatment involving the disorders of the reproductive organs.
Ginekolog is the branch of medicine dealing with diseases of reproductive organs of the women. Women have sex organs as vagina,

uterus, ovaries and they have related physiology. Girls as they reach puberty produce sex hormones which help develop their organs such as breasts and other sex organs. Any problem related in this chain invites Ginekolog to step in. Onset of the menses is the first sign of the girl’s puberty. This cycle has its own physiological and pathological problems. For example painful periods, excessive periods, frequent periods, scanty periods and so forth. The external genetalia is also exposed to certain infections such as bacterial, viral. The development of breasts such as abnormal enlargement, abnormally small breast that is diseases related with the sex hormones.
Kondilomi is the mal development of the reproductive organs, sex hormones, tumors which may be benign or they may turn into malignant later on. The external genital is exposed to bacteria, virus and other medium. The source is through intercourse through same mate or more than one mate. The warts appear on the genitals. These warts are infectious and are painful. It causes pain and itching. The warts also appear in diabetes when the ph falls and the area becomes prone to bacteria. Kondilomi is caused by Human pappiloma Virus which is transmitted by unhygienic life styles and promiscuous activity. It causes infection on the vagina, anus. The area becomes itchy and pink. The hygienic life and strict adherence to single partner can avoid this disease.
Ultrazvuk trudnoca becomes the need of the day in the pregnancy. Ultra sound is extremely important when the woman visits obstetrician’s clinic. Ultazvuk determines the health, size, height, weight of the fetus. It also gives the state of the placenta. The thirty two and forty two gives the gradual and gestational development of the fetus .This has it significance as it timely indicates any abnormality in the fetus and thus indicates proper and timely intervention for the cure. ULTRAZVUK TRUDNOCA is not injurious like as Xray. There is a colored ultrasound. A dye is injected to determine the health and blood vessels of the fetus as well as placenta. Ultrazvuk is the through a mechanism by which a certain wavelengths of sound waves is transmitted.
Ginekolog is a branch when it intervenes in infertility. There is a condition when the normal implantation of sperm is not possible that is incurable condition of blocked fallopian tubes, sexually transmitted diseases, and abnormalities in sex hormones, uterus, and many more.
Any abnormality of the fetus is checked through amniocentesis. This is the test by taking the skin of the fetus by inserting a needle in the amniotic fluid. This is a case encasing the fetus acting a buffer for the fetus.
The treatment of the kondilomi is by ointments for the viral treatment. Infertility is cured getting to thee causes determined by the ultrazvuk trudnoca.