Jan 21


Amanda George

Amanda George

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Blackheads are easy to get formed on your skin and are very hard to let go of. One of the craziest ways to get rid of them was to manually burst them open and painfully give your blackhead area a squeeze. Here is a list that tells you what makes way for stubborn blackheads and easy and painless hacks to waive them away.



Formation of Blackheads:

The human facial skin has millions of tiny pores on its surface. These pores get filled with oil,HACKS TO WAIVE OFF STUBBORN BLACKHEADS Articles dirt, and pollutants that come our way during the daily chores of life. With time, they get trapped in these skin pores and solidify into black substances. These are the stubborn blackheads. 


Most of them who have oily skin are prone to have these little black spots. Blackheads are not just restricted over the face. They can come up on the arms, back and even neck regions. 


Picking is not a solution:

Picking a stubborn blackhead and squeezing out is not the right solution to get rid of them. Here is what happens when you pick them. 

  • Picking is a no-no as it can hurt you and leave the region all inflamed.
  • It can dilate the skin pores to make your skin look uneven and holed. 
  • When you are trying to pick the stubborn blackheads, you may end up pushing them deeper into your skin pore to get a pimple. 

Hacks to take them off your skin:

  1. Use a comedo suction - Technology understands your grievance and has come up with a painless removal tool for stubborn blackheads. On running the comedo suction device on the blackhead area of your skin, all the solidified dirt in the form of blackheads gets thoroughly sucked from the pores, leaving behind skin free from blackheads.
  2.  Soften your skin with steam - Since blackheads are dried settlements of oil and dirt, you need to make your skin and even the accumulation moist to remove them out of your skin. Have a good steam session at home. Steam moistens the skin and makes it easy for all the accumulation to come off your skin. This is another way to remove stubborn blackheads. 
  3. Use a good scrub - Scrubbing your face with a good scrubbing foam may prevent blackheads even before they seep in and solidify in your skin pores. Scrubbing every day is again bad for your skin, but you can have a good scrubbing session thrice a week or when you feel that your skin has encountered a lot of pollution in the day. 
  4. Apply an egg white mask - The egg whites have the ability to tighten your skin pores by pulling off all the blackhead residues from them. They make your skin tight and smooth. You can use the egg white mask once every two days for amazing results. All you would have to do is separate the egg white from the yoke and take it in a bowl. Whip it well until it becomes foamy and evenly apply it over your face. Allow it to dry and you can see amazing results within days.