The general population is familiar with hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness is a common occurrence. Women suffer from shedding hair as well. Rathe...
The general population is familiar with hair loss in men. Male pattern baldness is a common occurrence. Women suffer from shedding hair as well. Rather than going completely bald,

women tend to experience thin hair over the entire head. Men and women alike seek hair growth treatment products as a solution to their problem.
Everyone knows an individual should not be judged on the amount of hair he or she has, or for that matter, eye color and height. Part of the problem is society is extremely visual. People get jobs based on how they appear, models are chosen based on looks, and romantic partners are chosen based on looks and personality. This feeds into self-confidence issues people experience when faced with hair loss.
In search of a solution, some people opt to buy drug store products that were, in times past, advertised as the best thing in the world. Some people visit physicians and discuss options while others conduct research on the Internet and order exotic products. As time progresses, hair solutions are fine-tuned. One product, however, will not necessarily have the same results on every user. This is in contrast to what many advertisements want consumer's to believe.
Androgenic Alopecia, also known as pattern baldness, is caused by a number of things. Hormones and genes do play a role in this condition and are the main factors causing loss of hair. Medications, medical treatments, and burns may also contribute to the appearance of this condition. Naturally occurring hair loss, without any interference from outside agents, has been scientifically studied. Testosterone plays a role in alopecia.
The general population does not realize that hair is not constantly growing. Like many things, there is a cycle involved in this growth process. In healthy individuals hair grows for many consecutive years and then enters a resting period. After this resting period, hair production starts again. In some people, however, the resting period does not return to the production state. This results in growth issues and eventually thinning hair.
There are several different products available on the market. Before self-medicating, it is best to seek the advice of a trusted physician. Once an official diagnosis is made, having no other medical conditions responsible for the loss of tresses, a program can be approached. There are products available that target this issue without a lot of ingredients with long names the majority of people cannot pronounce.
There are several reasons why alopecia takes hold. One reason can be attributed to something called DHT. DHT, abbreviated for dihydrotestosterone, is a bi-product of 5-alpha-reductase and testosterone. Testosterone is a familiar term to most people while the other may as well be a foreign language. The main thing to remember about DHT is that this biological creation is responsible for shrinking hair follicles and stopping hair growth.
Finding the right hair growth treatment may include trial-and-error. Starting with the most natural option possible is advisable as there will be less side-effects, if any at all. Confidence appears from the inside, just as hair is brought forth from the inside.