In the following article we will present the factors that lead to hair loss and what remedies we can use to prevent this.
How many people have not experienced hair loss problem? First,

an important role in hair loss it is feeding. Thus, you should put in food products such as green vegetables, eggs, raw salads, dairy products, baked or boiled potatoes, dried fruit, especially apricots, nuts and seasonal fruits and vegetable oils. It is very important that more vegetables be eaten raw because cooking destroys enzymes from them.
Eating cucumber promotes hair growth because it leads to a high consumption of silicon and sulfur. Drinking water during meals is not indicated. You should avoid: refined flour, white flour products such as pasta, bread and biscuits, cereal flakes, industrial goods and sweet carbonated drinks, meat, cakes made from natural products, smoking.
Another factor in hair loss is deficiency of folic acid. Other factors of hair loss are: various diseases, medications, aging, heredity, hormones, chemical cosmetics, serious cases of seborrhea, poor blood circulation. Men are more affected by hair loss than women. In his early years in both women and men, fine membrane is elastic and soft head.
The situation for men is more delicate because the male hormones are responsible for the thickening of the membrane head. This slows blood circulation in tiny capillaries located in the membrane which supplies the necessary nutrients bags for hair growth. Along with this thickening, follicular sacs become more fragile as time passes, and atrophy leads to baldness. Also, prolonged mental and emotional tensions are factors that cause thickening of the membrane head.
Those who are blondes have about 140,000 strands of hair on the head, a little less, about 110,000, those with black hair and about 90,000 redheads. The hair is colored by a pigment that grows in its center. As he grows, the hair follicular bag placed inside a column of cells that will form new hair. Increasing wires normally compensates the fall of the old hair. When one hair falls without having filed a vital core, it will not grow anything to replace it. Baldness is the result of an imbalance between hair loss and hair replacement.
Take regular blood tests. They will determine if there is a lack of vitamins or iron in the body. Often, food is not enough and you need to take vitamins, minerals and iron in the form of drug.
Make sure your shampoo does not irritate your scalp. For more security you can use a baby shampoo that has a more gentle formula.
Avoid as much as possible to paint your hair, to use hair spray, foam and any chemical that can affect it. It is recommended to let your hair dry without using the dryer. However, if absolutely necessary, use it at the lowest level. Arrange your hair only after it has dried in order to avoid breakage.