How To Treat Constipation
Constipation is a condition of the digestive tract relatively common in the adult population, but it remains difficult to define, because the symptoms vary greatly from individual to individual.
Constipation is not a disease,

but a symptom that occurs within various pathologies. A preconceived idea, but flawed and without scientific foundation, is that the accumulation of toxic products which favors constipation in the body lead to general intoxication and can dramatically shorten the life expectancy of the individual.
The first measure against constipation is a diet rich in fiber, found in fruits and vegetables. Food fibers are the part of certain foods that pass through the intestine and colon almost unchanged. Undigested fibers retain water and keep you safe from constipation. Bran is the outer shell of cereal grains and is one of the cheapest sources of fiber in the diet.
Volume laxatives include indigestible vegetable fiber that acts by increasing colonic content and stimulating peristalsis. These are considered to have a rapid effect, but may influence the absorption of drugs. Due to the risk of bowel obstruction, it should be taken with plenty of water. There are some patients who do not respond to these drugs, and even feel a worsening of abdominal pain and flatulence.
Some drugs slow down bowel movements and may cause or aggravate constipation. Drugs that can be purchased without a prescription and to be avoided include: antacids containing aluminum hydroxide or bismuth and iron antihistamines. For prescription drugs predisposition to constipation should be discussed with your doctor.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise (positive influence peristalsis) is recommended. Experts recommend a daily routine based on exercises that involve lifting your knees to your chest. The patient is advised to maintain this position for 10-15 minutes, while deep breathe and exhale. It activates bowel movement.
Another very popular and effective remedy is flax seeds. Two teaspoons a day is enough and you can eat as is or added to salads, yogurt, or cereal. Another option is to put the seeds in to soak in a bowl of water and eat two teaspoons. It is important to chew well linseed; otherwise it is possible to pass through the entire digestive tract without any effect.
Constipation can be a symptom of a serious illness, so it is good to see a doctor when the problem suddenly install, without having had any change in your lifestyle. You also need to control the constipation if it is accompanied by intense abdominal pain, bloody stool, unexplained weight loss, or rectal pain.