Hair Loss Causes: Drugs for the Treatment of Diseases
If you are under medication for the treatment of a certain ailment or condition, it would be wise to ask your physician if the drugs you are taking can affect the quality of your hair.
If you are under medication for the treatment of a certain ailment or condition,
it would be wise to ask your physician if the drugs you are taking can affect the quality of your hair.Why? This is for the reason that although medications are designed to help prevent or treat a variety of conditions, sometimes they have unwanted negative effects on the body such as changes in the texture and color of the hair, unwanted hair growth in various parts of the body, and even worse— hair loss and hair thinning problems.Most people don’t realize that sometimes, hair loss causes might be attributed to medications taken or applied for the treatment of ailments and conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, heart attack, and epilepsy.Some drugs containing amphetamines prescribed for hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders, beta-blockers for the treatment of high blood pressure, and even birth-control pills are deemed to be hair loss causes.The following are some of the most common drugs that can elicit hair fall, hair thinning, and hair loss problems as their side effects: * Antidepressants — drugs used treat or prevent mood disorders like depression and dysthymia (e.g., clomipramine, amitriptyline, desipramine, fluoxetine, and doxepin) * Anticoagulants — drugs used to prevent clotting of the blood in the arteries, heart, and the veins (e.g., warfarin sodium, heparin, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, and enoxaparin) * Anticonvulsants — drugs used in the treatment of epileptic seizures, neuropathic pain, and bipolar disorder (e.g., barbiturates, aldehydes, propionates, hydantoins, sulfonamides, triazines, and ureas) * Antineoplastics — drugs used in chemotherapy to inhibit the development, maturation, and proliferation of cancer cells known as neoplastic (e.g., floxuridine, lomustine, procarbazine, thiotepa, and thioguanine) * Beta Blockers — drugs used to treat high blood pressure and chest pain and prevent a heart attack (e.g., atenolol, metoprolol, propanolol, and timolol)Always keep in mind that every time a physician prescribes you with a medication, make sure to ask him or her if the prescribed treatment may cause hair loss and hair thinning problems as its possible side effects.