Hair Removal: Permanent Or Temporary?

Jun 24


Niall Kennedy

Niall Kennedy

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Unwanted hair is no fun, and it's not as easy to remove as you would like it to be. Yet, there are solutions to your unwanted hair. Removal can be one...

Unwanted hair is no fun,Hair Removal: Permanent Or Temporary? Articles and it's not as easy to remove as you would like it to be. Yet, there are solutions to your unwanted hair. Removal can be one of two types. First of all, it can be simply temporary, such as shaving the hair away. Or, it can be made to be permanent. Why Remove Hair? Why should you bother with having costly procedures done to remove hair? There are many reasons. For example, many athletes have hair removed so that they can shave seconds off of their times. Or, many fashion conscious people want eyebrow, leg, arm and private areas hair free to stay with the current style. Some men enjoy having their hair styled into a specific fashion statement such as a moustache or goatee. Sometimes, individuals need to have it removed for medical reasons. Still, others just want it gone. Why Permanent? For many individuals the best way to get hair gone is through investing in permanent solutions. You'll likely need to see a licensed Esthetician for this procedure and it will cost you. But, if you get it done, and it is done significantly, you will not need to keep worrying about the hair. What Permanent Options Are There? There are many. Here are some of the many that you can choose from. Laser treatments: these are by far becoming some of the most popular. The process, which is FDA approved, actually uses a small laser to destroy the hair follicles. It takes seconds to do. But, many individuals can not have this procedure as you will need the right colored skin/hair for it. The procedure is expensive, up to $3,000 per procedure in which you may need more than one treatment. Experience is helpful in having a good experience the first time. Electrolysis: This is another option for permanency. In this procedure, a probe is placed into each follicle (yes, it takes a long time for large areas!) and will then use an electric charge to destroy the follicle. It is painful to an extent, and you will likely need more than one treatment. Again, it can cost up to $3,000 for this procedure. Photo epilation or pulsed laser treatments: These are much like the laser treatments in that they use pulsed light to work at destroying the follicles and it can be very effective for under arm hair as well as that of the bikini area. There are few limitations here, and it will cost you slightly less at about $2,000 per treatment. Treating areas of unwanted hair can be difficult, time-consuming, painful and ultimately upsetting. If you have tried and failed to get rid of unwanted hair you might want to consider other methods of making you feel better about yourself.   You might like to consider medical and aesthetic cosmetics. What is medical cosmetics? It's probably easier to start with what Medical Cosmetics is not. It is not beauty treatments administered by Beauticians and it is not Cosmetic Surgery. It is non-invasive medical procedures, delivered by qualified medical professionals such as doctors, nurses or dentists, that change and enhance the way people look. The most well known products and treatments are Botox, Dermal Fillers and Skin Peels. Medical cosmetics can remove facial lines, inhance lips and cheeks, rejuvenate chests, hands and feet, reshape noses, as well as treat acne and excessive sweating. How does the treatment work? Over time, our skin creases in the areas where we use our facial muscles the most - if you frown a lot, you develop lines between your eyebrows, if you raise your eyebrows a lot you develop lines on your forehead. Treatment temporarily inactivates the muscles, giving you time to break the habit of using them repeatedly and giving your skin time to recover. The treatment only takes around 15 minutes and consists of a few tiny injections in the area to be treated. Within two weeks, the wrinkles you were so used to seeing in the mirror will have started to fade or disappeared altogether. For the first couple of years, frequent treatments (three monthly) are required to 're-educate' the facial muscles. Thereafter, treatments are less frequent until a yearly maintenance treatment is normally all that is required.

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