Hair Restoration Questions Answered
Hair restoration is a sought after procedure for male pattern baldness and even female pattern baldness, but there are several questions that most prospective clients have about the transplants.
First and foremost,
those considering a solution for baldness want to know if hair restoration surgery works and how it works. The surgery is basically a skin graft procedure in which follicles from a donor site are taken and transplanted to the place where the patient is lacking substantial growth. Donor sites are often pinpointed on the back or on the sides of the head where hair growth is fuller or at least less stunted; the follicles are removed at the donor site and generally replaced on the top of the head where pattern baldness is usually an issue.
A lot of patients ponder as to whether or not the donor sight can be elsewhere on the body, and while the short answer is yes, it is not going to be the first option that most doctors will consider. The results of such transplants are often quite unpredictable, and it is also often times quite difficult to find a surgeon who specializes beyond the traditional donor locations of the head, however, it can be done. In this circumstance, non-traditional options are usually seen as predictably ineffective, and a traditional donor sight is seen as the patient’s “best shot” at success for growth. Finding a highly qualified doctor is the best way to know that all of your options are being presented to you and that your highest opportunities for success are being tapped.
The best way to ensure quality results is to be savvy about your search for a qualified hair transplant surgeon. Interview several different doctors and take advantage of the free consultations. You will want to look for someone who will be completely honest about the probability of success and who is also open to the possibilities of non-traditional grafting sights. It is always good for a physician to have referrals, but in this instance, actually seeing the doctor’s previous work could be your best bet. Pictures in a book can be intriguing, but nothing is going to sell a physician’s work like work done well, and while growth cannot be predicted one-hundred percent correctly and your own genetics will definitely play a factor in how your hair will grow in, being able to see a successful hair restoration client is the best referral, and if a doctor seems to be hesitant to share client success stories with you, then you should likely move on with your physician search.