Hair Transplants: Get To Know The Ideal Candidate For This Treatment
If you are interested in hair transplants, make sure you are a good candidate. Find out what features would make you an ideal patient.
Getting hair transplants may sound like the perfect remedy for going bald,

but it is not always that simple. You must be considered a good candidate to get this procedure done. You may find that some doctors will perform it anyway, even if you are not an ideal candidate, but they may warn you that it will not necessarily work for you. Before you spend a lot of money on hair transplants, consider the traits that make it most likely that this treatment will work well for you.
For most surgeries, younger candidates have the best outcomes, but this is not usually the case for this type of transplant. Patients who are already going bald in their younger years tend to have less success with this procedure because they will probably continue to lose their locks for several more years. On the other hand, older patients who are just now finding that they need a transplant may be balding at a slower rate, which is why they did not need this type of treatment in their younger years. It makes sense, then, that the most successfully treated candidates are often older, as they are typically balding slower.
Another advantage for some patients is having curly or wavy hair. This is because this feature usually makes it look like there are lots of hairs on the head, rather than just a few. It may be an optical illusion, but it means that patients with this feature are most likely to be satisfied with the result. The same goes for those with dark colored tresses against dark skin, or lighter hair on light skin. Such coloring makes it less obvious that there are few hairs left, as each one does not matter that much when it is hard to see against a matching background. Since doctors generally like to offer the best results possible, rather than hearing complaints from disappointed people, they are usually slightly more likely to perform this procedure on those with a curly head of locks, and with a skin color that matches their tresses.
Of course, it also matters how many hairs you have left on your head. That is because hair transplants depend greatly on the number of hairs in the donor area, as the fewer you have, the fewer you can transplant to the bald areas. This means that you are less likely to get this procedure done when you have a mostly bald head, while those with just a receding hairline or a small bald patch may be more likely to be considered good candidates.
If you do not seem to fit the ideal candidate description for hair transplants, do not despair. This does not mean you cannot get the treatment done, but it may mean your results will not be as extreme or as appealing as the outcome that an ideal patient would get. If you are willing to accept this, you can likely still get the treatment. It is important to first have a consultation with a professional to find out more about your odds of success.