Flax seed has become a buzzword in our society, as we are becoming more conscious about our health and wellness.
This seed is highly recommended for general well being and whole body nutrition. The seeds are also considered as the nature's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids – one of the vital requirements for the health of all body systems.
At first glance flax seeds look like sesame seeds that are used on hamburger buns. The color is generally yellow, while some flax seeds come in brown color. However, the color of flax seeds doesn't change their nutritional value. Whatever the color is, flax seeds bear all the nutritional ingredients in them.
Flax seeds are available everywhere – at your nearby health food store or the place where you get natural foods sold in bulk. You can buy the seeds or can buy the vitamin supplements of flax seeds in pill form.
Nutrients in flax seed
Flax seed is the best source of Omega 3 fatty acid, one of the best nutrients for brain and concentration. Because of the presence of Omega 3, consuming flax seeds increases our ability to think faster and concentrate better.
Following are the nutrients we get from flax seeds:
Fiber: Flax seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The seeds also contain a special fiber called mucilage, which is a natural laxative and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Lignans: These are natural plant chemicals that boost the production of a substance attached to estrogen and carry it out of the body. Flax seed contains more lignans that other vegetables and grains.
Protein: Flax seeds are a rich source of protein too, as every 100 Gms of flax seeds provide 25-30 Gms of protein. Fat: Flax seed is one of the best sources of essential fatty acid – alpha linolenic acid. This is very important for bodybuilding, since it enhances insulin sensitivity within muscle cells.
Vitamins and Minerals: Flax seeds contain Vitamin E, and B group of Vitamins. These seeds are also rich in minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, nickel, manganese, calcium, sulfur, silicon, molybdenum, chromium, and cobalt.
Benefits of flax seeds
Flax seeds are the most effective solution of constipation problem. The seeds are astringent and have a laxative action. So you can have these seeds for mild to moderate symptoms of constipation.
You can have flax seeds in various ways: Simply chew the seeds in their natural form. Grind the seeds in a grinder (you can use a coffee grinder) to make the powder and eat the powder. You can mix the powder in juice, cereal, or nondairy smoothie and have it. You can sprinkle the powder on salad and consume it to get the nutrition of both salad and flax seeds.
However, you should drink plenty of water after consuming flax seeds. Be careful about having the quantity of flax seeds. Up to 3 tablespoons twice a day can give you best result while large amount can cause toxic effect.
Flax seeds are also useful to remove acne, because of the presence of fatty acids that help control the production of androgens (hormone that causes acne). Apart from this, the androgen control mechanism of flax seeds also helps building muscle, burning fat and reducing water bloating that occur due to excess androgens.
So what are you waiting for? Flax seed is not even expensive and you can easily get them in your nearby health food store. So when the entire health conscious society is joining the wagon of wellness you should also experience the benefits of one of nature's best health food – the flax seed.
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