The truth about food is: it’s really just a pile of chemistry, mixed together so that when it enters your body it has a job to do. Just like a washing...
The truth about food is: it’s really just a pile of chemistry, mixed together so that when it enters your body it has a job to do. Just like a washing machine; you can’t wash your clothes with anything other than water. Put milk, petrol or juice, etc into the machine but your clothes won’t come out clean. If you put ‘softener’ instead of washing powder to wash your clothes they will come out smelling nice but they won’t be clean. You have to put the right ingredients into the washing machine in the right order to get your washing clean, soft and smelling wonderful. Food can help or harm you, depending on:
What your body needs,
Who you are (your genetic make-up: history, DNA, and allergies included),
What activity you have to accomplish in the next 2 minutes to 7 hours.
“How can I know what to eat?”
Let’s see the beneficial and non-beneficial foods:
The Beneficial Foods
Whole grains, raw fresh vegetables and fruits, yogurt, eggs, red meats, chicken, fish, and as much fresh water as you can stand. Supplement with extra nutrients which cannot possibly be taken in by our daily diet. Dairy in a limited way, and not if you are intolerant or allergic
The Non-Beneficial Foods
All of the non-beneficial foods (except for caffeine), actually turn into DO-NOTHING SUGAR in your body, even if you say, “my spaghetti dinner isn’t sugar”. Well, actually, yes it is. Most pasta is really just white flour and water, which will wind up in your body like sugar and glue. However, now the food industry has created whole-grain pasta giving you more chances for some better pasta choices.
White bread, white rice, excessive pastas, refined sugars, refined cakes, processed fruit juices, most things which say ‘enriched’ anything, sodas, excessive caffeine and alcohol, all come under the category of non-beneficial foods.
Those white breads, refined sugars, cakes, pies, donuts, pastas, fizzy drinks, even cartons of juice, etc, they all make your body go absolutely haywire! Your blood rushes to and from the sugar. The sugars run around and then are left to be deposited in your fat cells causing the body to function abnormally. So, not only do you feel ‘lethargic’, but these foods actually help you become fat, EVEN if the label says ‘fat free’ or ‘low fat’.
Read the rest of this story
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