Healthy Skin And A Nutritious Diet

Jul 25


Joy Healey

Joy Healey

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A clear, glowing skin is the outward manifestation of good inner health. This is important not just for reasons of vanity, but because of the importance of skin as the largest organ of the body, charged with protecting us from an often hostile environment.


Our skin,Healthy Skin And A Nutritious Diet Articles the largest organ of the body, affords us protection from our harmful environment, making it an extremely important ally to good health. Learn some simple ways to promote skin health

There is a famous quote: "Health is Wealth". So, it is always important to uphold the value of proper eating and living a healthy lifestyle to stay in shape and for optimum health.

In fact, aside from having an attractive body, being healthy can also mean having a healthy skin, as reflected in your complexion.

Most people known to appear healthy looking are so, because they eat healthily. Because their inner beauty radiates and exudes deep from within, even without make-up.

Nowadays, looking good is not just vanity but is already considered one way of staying healthy. This is because of the protective function of a healthy skin. Additionally, a healthy diet is acknowledged by the medical profession to be an important factor in a glowing complexion and looking good.

Unfortunately, many people thought that simply eating the right kind of food would make them healthier and live longer. They did not fully understand, in addition, what an essential factor healthy nutrition is in having a good complexion and healthy skin, and the importance of this.

Here are some reasons to explain why good nutrition is important in maintaining a healthy skin complexion.

The human body is not able to produce all vitamins and minerals, which is why healthy eating is vital as a supply. For example, when people are exposed to the sun, the skin's reservoir of vitamin C goes down, and unlike most animals, humans cannot make vitamin C. So it is important to replace it by eating foods rich in vitamin C with which your skin can combat the harmful effects of the damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays.

A youthful and healthy looking skin can also be maintained by eating foods rich in vitamin A. Daily intake of vitamin A is proven to be an effective way of reducing the appearance of acne, wrinkles, and other skin problems. Take care with foods rich in vitamin A especially if pregnant or likely to become pregnant. Serious consequences can occur from excess supplies of this vitamin.

Foods rich in antioxidants are definitely beneficial to skin as they fight the oxidants, or free radicals, that are manufactured when bodily cells burn oxygen while generating energy. Foods that are rich in antioxidants include fruit and vegetables, especially the "green, leafy vegetables" like spinach.

In foods that are rich sources of carotenoids, e.g. beta-carotene, antioxidants will be present. Carrots are a perfect specimen. Richly colored plant foods provide a good source of antioxidants, for example berries.

Antioxidants can also be present in dietary supplements or skin care products, from which they will still be absorbed.

Fiber, or roughage, is composed from a plant's cell wall material. Check out these foods: whole grains, legumes, citrus fruits, nuts, and vegetables for good sources of dietary fiber.

In the basic sense, fiber is an example of complex carbohydrate that is important in the absorption of the other nutrients into the body. Without fiber, some nutrients will be wasted instead of being used by the body. Fiber is also important in promoting good levels of excretion, and toxins will bind to fiber and be "escorted" out of the body. By adding fiber to your diet, an improved complexion can be achieved.

Ensure you don't overlook proteins in your diet; they promote proper growth and production of new skin cells. Proteins are chains of amino acids responsible for the skin's cell growth and maintenance.

Check out these foods for protein: eggs, meat, grains, legumes and dairy products - such as milk and cheese. Complete proteins are those that contain all the essential amino acids necessary for building and maintaining bodily cells, including skin cells.

Animal proteins contain all the essential amino acids; with the absence from plant proteins of one or more. This should not create difficulties if all the essential amino acids are present in your diet. The products soy, quinoa, spirulina, hemp seed, amaranth and buckwheat, to name but a few, are a rich source of complete proteins in a vegetarian diet.

Finally, healthy eating will make a significant contribution to healthy skin, reflected in well maintained cells, as well as a good complexion. Those who are more aware of what they are eating will find that the care (or lack of care) they exercise will be reflected in their skin's appearance. Again: "You are what you eat".

However, remember that you can also nourish and care for your skin externally, by application of skin products that contain the nutrients mentioned above.