HGH for Short Children - Grow Faster and Taller With HGH

Dec 22


Alex Martin MD

Alex Martin MD

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One of the most important things HGH does in children and teenagers is to make them grow taller and stronger. How do we know this? And how does HGH do this amazing thing?


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) causes many things to occur in the body at both the cellular and macroscopic levels. One of the most important things it does in children and teenagers is to make them grow taller and stronger.  How do we know this?  And,HGH for Short Children - Grow Faster and Taller With HGH Articles how does HGH do this amazing thing?

When we make a very low intensity X-ray of our children’s wrists and ankles to check out the “growth plates” where new bone is being laid down daily, we are able to see if they still have the ability to grow taller. On those X-rays we can see lines representing especially active tissue growth where new bone is being laid down rapidly and in very large amounts over a growing season. 

These growth plates look like dark, porous-appearing bands and it is here that HGH acts on the layers of stem-cells in the plates to put down layers of calcium in the newly forming bone as well as layers of strong elastic connective tissue, called the matrix. Here the hormone stimulates not only bone formation but the building of nerves and blood vessels throughout the immature bone. It is the completion of all this activity at the GROWTH PLATES that make us taller and stronger before age 20.

When parents notice that their children are shorter than others of the same age, they become worried and, after learning about the effects of Human Growth Hormone, often come to the correct conclusion that their children are not producing enough HGH to make them grow as tall as they should.  

When pediatricians measure kids with delayed growth, parents soon learn that their children are shorter than most by as much as fifty percent.  Being 50% shorter than others, these children are said to belong to the “fiftieth percentile” on the GROWTH CURVE. This means that any child in this percentile, when compared to the others of the same age, is shorter that fifty percent or more of all the children evaluated. This can have damaging psychologic effects on the child and create depression and mental illness in some cases.

The time to take action is when this is observed and HGH is the only therapy available or required that can possibly correct such a serious problem. By giving a very small injection of HGH painlessly just underneath the skin on a daily basis with a very small needle, parents can correct a hormone deficiency in their children and put the child on the right path toward growing 1-2 inches more per year. Scientists have observed as many as 6 inches of growth occurring in children using HGH over 3 years.

As soon as the GROWTH PLATES close about age 18, the effects of HGH therapy on bone growth and the achievement of greater height are reduced. The effect of HGH on muscle and soft tissue, however, continues on and children, maintained on hormone therapy after GROWTH PLATES have closed, continue to develop very strong and muscular physiques in addition to the improved height.

Copyright © 2010 Dr. Alex Martin, MD, Los Angeles