How can smoking lead to premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems faced by men. Numerous factors are responsible for causing premature ejaculation, which can be physical or psychological in nature. Smoking is one such factor which can lead to ejaculation problems.
Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems experienced by men. It has been defined by the experts as an inability to control ejaculation long enough to satisfy the sexual needs of one or both partners. It is often related to another sexual problem known as erectile dysfunction,

but in reality it is not at all related to this sexual problem. Although, erectile dysfunction can be a factor that can cause ejaculation problems in a man. Many physical or psychological factors can be responsible for causing premature ejaculation in men. This condition is observed in men of all ages and most men feel embarrassed about their condition. It also leads to problems between the couple as none of them are satisfied with their sex life.
What are the physical causes of premature ejaculation?
Sexual process is a complex process and apart from the sexual organs, involves the brain and nervous system as well. This is the reason because of which the exact physical mechanism behind premature ejaculation becomes hard to isolate. It has been observed that, in men, who are suffering from ejaculation problems, the pelvic musculature is sometimes hypersensitive. Such men are often more responsive to stimulants such as vibratory stimulus of penile and pelvic tissue. Any disturbances in the levels of serotonin levels and the serotonin receptor sites can also play a key role in causing premature ejaculation. At times, men who have been suffering from depression and are on antidepressants, can also suffer from ejaculation problems. Vascular conditions and neurological problems can also cause premature ejaculation. Men who have had spinal cord injuries are also known to have premature ejaculation.
Multiple sclerosis, intake of alcohol and drug addiction can also be included in the physical causes of PE. Smoking, which is an addiction of nicotine, is also known to cause premature ejaculation in men. Drinking alcohol along with smoking can also aggravate the chances of you suffering from premature ejaculation. Smoking can also indirectly bring about problems with ejaculation, as it can cause numerous other health conditions, which are harmful for you. It can cause troubled breathing, cancer and emphysema, which can lead to problems in getting enough oxygen for your body, including your vital sex organ. The lack of oxygen can bring about impairment in the blood vessels and muscles of your penis. You can also get weak in terms of stamina and strength, which are all related to causing ejaculation problems.
What are the psychological causes of premature ejaculation?
In earlier times it was believed that sexual problems such as premature ejaculation are more of psychological or mental rather than physical. As time went on and researches were conducted, it was found that even physical factors were also responsible for causing ejaculation problems. The factors that were considered to cause this problem included mood disorders such as depression, stress, and even childhood trauma. In today's society, it has been observed that a man who is anxious about his performance in bed can also suffer from premature ejaculation. The other psychological causes of PE that are included in the list are guilt and no experience in sexual encounters.