It is everyone's joy to have flawless skin, especially on the face. You will, therefore, do everything it takes to get the best blackhead remover for the nose. A blackhead remover tool comes in handy.
If you ever get blackheads on the nose, then you will know how uncomfortable and ugly it can get. Though not everybody would get concerned about these nasty bumps on their face, if you care about your looks, then you will go the extra mile to get the best blackhead remover. The following guide gives you tips on how to remove blackheads on the nose. Read on for more information:
What Causes Blackheads These dark bumps form as a result of plug or clog developing in the opening of hair follicles in your skin. They are a mild type of acne that causes the skin surface to look dark or black hence the name blackheads. Each follicle consists of a single hair and a sebaceous gland that produces sebum, which is an oil that enables the skin to remain soft. When the oil and dead skin cells collect in the opening of the follicle, a bump is formed. If the skin on the bump opens, exposing it to air, it becomes black.
Tips for Removing Blackheads If you care about your appearance, then getting the best blackhead remover becomes a priority. There are many methods of getting rid of blackheads on the nose that include but not limited to:
OTC treatments OTC treatments, also known as over the counter medications, are available at drug or grocery stores. You can also get them online without a prescription from the doctor. The medicines are in the form of pad, gel, or cream that you put directly onto your skin. The drugs kill the bacteria and excess dry oil and, as a result, force the skin to shed the dead cells. These blackhead remover products have ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, and salicylic acid.
Prescription Medicine The doctor may prescribe strong medications containing vitamin A that helps to prevent the formation of plugs in the hair follicles. They also help in the promotion of speedy turnover of the skin cells. The medicines include tazarotene, adapalene, or tretinoin, and they are applied topically on the skin. In case you have acne cysts or pimples, the doctor may also prescribe medicines containing benzoyl and antibiotics.
Manual Blackhead Remover Sometimes the dermatologist or a skilled skin care expert may opt to remove the blackhead using special equipment called round loop extractor. This vacuum blackhead remover is among the best methods that do not have adverse side effects.
Use of Chemical Peels The clogs may be removed by the use of a reliable chemical solution that is applied to the skin. The chemical helps to peel off the top layer of the skin hence revealing the smooth layer underneath. You can either obtain mild peels over the counter or get a dermatologist or a skincare professional to perform stronger peels.
Use of laser and Light Therapy Laser and light therapy are also one of the best blackhead removers. In this method, tiny beams of bright light are used to reduce the production of oil or kill bacteria. The rays reach underneath the surface of the skin, thus treating the blackheads without causing damage to the skin top layer. You can easily do this by watching a blackhead removal video on youtube and obtain excellent results.
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