Three Easy Steps for Blackhead Removal

Sep 13


Harley Molina

Harley Molina

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Blackheads. Bleh. Those things that creep up on your chin, your nose, even in your ears can give you nightmares each morning when you wake up and look in the mirror. Picking and them usually pops them, but this doesn't solve the matter; in fact, it can make it worse. Contrary to popular thought, blackheads are not acne-causers, but are in fact a form of acne themselves. Blackhead removal is where many people go wrong. Removing blackheads the wrong way can cause them to spread their pussing insides, leading to some very unfortunate goings-on in your skin.

Blackhead removal is a delicate process that must be done properly.  If you squeeze or poke too much or too hard,Three Easy Steps for Blackhead Removal Articles you'll give yourself a scar, which is even more unsightly than a blackhead.  Here's some blackhead removal options you might want to look into to safely remove a blackhead. 1. The Q-tip method: Take one Q-tip, break it in half, and using each half as an extension of your fingers, gently squeeze the blackhead to extract the insides.  This eliminates the spreading of the puss while greatly decreasing your chances of acne scars. 2. The blackhead removal strip method: Remember in "Princess Diaries" when Anne Hathaway accidentally opened the door for her crush while baring a full nose of blackhead strips?  These strips really work, though they can be painful, like a band-aid.  Make sure you read the directions on the backs of these strips, as they can differ in their use. 3. Acne diet: Sometimes the only way to get rid of skin issues is to work from the inside out.  Going on a short acne diet is often the best way to accomplish this.  In addition to a slight change in eating habits, make sure you cool it on the carbs and drink plenty of water and non-sugary juices.  I like to drink Naked Juice, as it is made with almost 100% organic ingredients that promote healthy skin.

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