How Do You Identify Acai Scams?
When any new product enters the market with a lot of success, you’re bound to find people setting up all kinds of scams to make money off the popularity of the product. The same holds true for acai berry supplements. So how do you spot acai scams? Here are some tips.
While the acai berry has already made a huge impact on the American market,

the number of acai scams that pop up on the internet have been giving the healthy berry a bad name. As with almost any successful product, there are shady people out there looking to take advantage of customers who are not wary. While the vast majority of businesses selling acai berry products are legitimate and just there to do business, there are some that want to lure you into a trap in order to take as much of your money as they can. But there are some things to be on the lookout for that might help you avoid these scams.Free SamplesIf any website or company attempts to entice you with a free acai berry trial offer, that should be fair warning for you to turn your back completely on that promoter. Scams often work that way; giving you free samples while requesting for your personal and financial information, purportedly in the guise of needing it for shipping purposes. While the product itself may be free, these companies can still charge you in other unexpected ways, like for instance newsletter subscriptions or continued shipments for acai you may not even be aware of. More often than not, the information is available in very fine, unreadable print within the website.They Disappear in a SnapMost scam companies don't stick around for long. When you're robbing people of their hard-earned money, you don't get much repeat business. For this reason, you may want to avoid newer companies. Even though acai berry is relatively new to the supplement market, there are some companies that have been around for quite some time. You can always feel much more comfortable dealing with someone who has been selling the product for a while than with a brand new company no one has heard of. These pop-up companies could be legitimate businesses just getting started, but let someone else find that out. Spend your money on a company that is established if you want to play it safe.Who Are They and What Are They Selling?One of the best things you can do to avoid a scam is to know everything you can about the company and the product they sell. For starters, if you have any trouble figuring out where the company is based or how to get a hold of them, you may want to think twice about giving them your business. You also need to know that the only acai berry product you should buy is freeze dried, pure, organic acai berry. This is a healthy food after all, you don't want a product that has been spray dried with sugars or has added flavors or ingredients. Only the pure stuff is going to give you all the nutrition you want without the extra fluff.If you trust your gut and go with companies that are forward about their product and honest about what you can expect, you should not have any problems. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Companies telling you to expect dramatic weight loss or a cure for all your ailments are just fishing for customers who are willing to take their bait. Don't be one of those people who gets scammed. Know what to look for and you can avoid those acai scams.Unfortunately, acai berry scams have been all too common. We assist our visitors avoid them by giving out information and recommendations of those manfacturers which are honest, ethical, and sell only pure acai berry products. Before you buy anything, be sure to visit our site so you don't get scammed!