Obama helps with insurance in order to help people afford medical devices.
Presiden’t Obama has truly been very active in the arena of improving the health care and insurance coverage of those individuals that are truly in need of health care. One of the major downfalls of our health care system is the fact that those individuals that may be out of work or actually do not have jobs many times can not afford the medical devices and equipment that they desperately need in order to survive. It is quite sad because these devices are very expensive and in fact the average individual is not able to afford them for themselves in order to monitor their health. Well, with the new advent of Obama’s legislation the health care industry is really under a great deal of change that will affect the ability of individual’s to purchase their medical devices without having to incur sever financial hardship. One of the medical devices that can now be provided very easily to individuals is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that many individuals really depend on in order to ensure that they maintain their optimal health. The device is made specifically to measure blood oxygen saturation or in other words the percentage of oxygen in blood and also pulse rate. Now if you are a healthy individual you may think that these features are not very important, however, you have to consider that many Americans are actually in desperate need of such a device that will allow them to monitor themselves while they are at home in order to keep their health condition or ailment under control. The device is now significantly more affordable and able to be purchased by a wide ranging financial demographic. This is great news as the price of these medical devices is no longer a hinderance to the health and care of the individuals with health conditions in our society. A pulse oximeter works quite effectively to measure the pulse rate as well as the blood oxygen saturation of an individual The device is only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone and thus it is extremely portable. It also is very accurate and instantly gives a reading of the oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate within seconds. By inserting your finger inside the portable device an infrared light passes through you finger. Hemoglobin absorbs light at different frequencies and as such the infrared light that goes through the finger bounces back to the oximeter device computer with a number that represents the oxygen levels of the body. This number means the world to people who live with conditions that require accurate monitoring of the oxygen levels in the body. Oximeter devices continue to break ground not only in the hospital setting but also the home setting as well. No longer do individuals need to be at their physician’s office or a hospital in order to take advantage of such a device to monitor their health. The newest generations of devices are not only extremely small and portable but they also are extremely affordable. So individuals living with various health conditions that are necessary to measure their oxygen levels can now use the device in the comfort of their home without ever having to worry about not monitoring their health on a continuous basis. The portability also allows them to take the device wherever they desire to go.
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