Here we talk about the problems caused by high blood pressure.
The problem with high blood pressure is the fact that it is a silent killer. In fact, it can cause a lot of different diseases without any early warning symptoms at all! Today we are going to talk about the disease that it can cause so that you know what to look out for. These are symptoms, that once again, do not have any kind of warning sign.
Thus, you need to make sure that you are keeping your blood pressure where it needs to be. This can be done in a number of ways, but the best way to keep up with your blood pressure is to check it whenever you can. Make sure that you keep a log of how your blood pressure is doing, and show it to your doctor. Only he or she can tell you what you need to do to control your blood pressure.
The first problem we are going to talk bout is, of course, the sexual dysfunction. People who have high blood pressure can have a hard time keeping an erection. The effects of high blood pressure in women are not conclusive yet, as far as sexual dysfunction goes. However, most doctors agree that women are affected in one way or another. Not only all of that, but you can also have bone loss because of high blood pressure. That is because the high blood pressure can actually increase the amount of calcium that is eliminated from your body.
It does this by increasing the amount of calcium that leaves your body by way of urine. People who have high blood pressure normally have a hard time sleeping as well. This is because your muscle will not relax while you are sleeping. This can cause you to snore very loudly. This occurs in more than half the people who have high blood pressure. Some even think that high blood pressure is what triggers sleep Apnea.
If you have high blood pressure too long, you can have a lot of other problems as well. For example, you can have kidney failure due to the high blood pressure. This is the most common cause of kidney failure. You can also get a TIA, or a Transient Ischemic attack. Some people like to note that strokes can also be caused by high blood pressure. These are, of course, the kinds of things that you want to avoid, and you can avoid most of them by watching your high blood pressure.
The main thing to note here is that high blood pressure is everywhere, and there are certain things that you have to do to help keep it down. Things like changing your diet is always helpful. Try to eat less salty foods. Not only that, but you have to take time to relax. If you are always getting worked up over things that should not upset you, then your blood pressure is going to be way too high. Try and relax as much as you can during the day, and do not worry about the small things. They are not going to do you any good.
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