Recently, I wrote an article about how to tell which are the best multivitamin and mineral supplements. Now I would like to focus on Vitamin C in particular. To make things simpler, I am going to break the topic down into common questions you may want to ask.
Vitamin C
What we commonly refer to as Vitamin C is actually ascorbic acid,

and many fruits and vegetables contain it. It is what is known as an antioxidant, meaning that it gets rid of free radicals. It is also great for the immune system, and is antibacterial and antiviral.
Will Vitamin C Stop Me Getting a Cold?
You bet, but only if you take high doses of it. Vitamin C's RDA is 60mg. This is really just the minimum you need to not get scurvy. According to Patrick Holford, If you take less than 1,000mg per day, you will not notice much benefit. To see results from taking Vitamin C, you really need to take at least 1,000mg per day.
What is the Best Dose of Vitamin C?
To prevent infection, a daily intake of 2,000mg will prevent colds. However, 3,000mg per day is what is advised by the Vitamin C Foundation. This is not difficult, because buying high strength Vitamin C supplements is not costly.
But, when you are fighting infection, your need for Vitamin C dramatically increases. Patrick Holford advises increasing your dose as soon as you notice any symptoms of a cold, and advises that you need to take 3,000mg when you first notice any cold symptoms, and thereafter another 3,000mg every four hours, totaling about 10-15,000mg of Vitamin C for the whole day you are infected.However, the Vitamin C Foundation says that you should be taking 20-30,000mg of Vitamin C per day while you are fighting any kind of disease or infection.
Can You Overdose on Vitamin C?
Definitely not. It is a water soluble vitamin, and that means you just wee out any that is not put to use. The only health problems you are likely to get are indigestion or loose bowels, but these tend to happen at doses of 5,000mg or more, and this usually stops once you lower the dose. You should not experience any discomfort from taking 1,000mg two or three times daily.
Vitamin C is one of the least harmful substances you can consume, but it boosts your health in so many ways.
What Are the Other Benefits of Vitamin C?
This wonderful nutrient doesn't just fight colds, it also:
- It makes collagen, which keeps your bones, joints and skin healthy.
- It is great as an anti-histamine.
- It can help fight cancer.
- It helps keep your heart healthy.
- It is important for making anti-stress hormones.
- Helps stop you getting moody, helps to keep your brain's neurotransmitters in balance - Vitamin C can often be deficient in people with mental health issues. If you don't get enough Vitamin C you can go crazy.
- Helps get energy from food.
Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency
A lack of energy and a tendency to get colds and infections are classic signs that you are not getting enough. Other symptoms include easy bruising, bleeding or tender gums, slow wound healing, nosebleeds, or red pimples on your skin.
But don't wait until horrible symptoms like that show up Start taking Vitamin C now.
Vitamin C Rich Foods
Even if you eat loads of fruit and vegetables, you will not be able to get 2,000mg of Vitamin from diet alone. It is still a great idea to eat lots of Vitamin C rich foods though. The best foods to eat for Vitamin C are lemons, peas, oranges, watercress, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, cauliflower, kiwi fruit, melons, grapefruit, tomatoes and limes.