When it comes to knowing how to clear pimples, there are definitely some important steps you can take. A simple medication like benzoyl peroxide is far more powerful when combined with salicylic acid. You must watch your diet and reduce stress.
If you follow these tips on how to clear pimples, you will be well on your way to enjoying a beautiful complexion.
Tip #1: Benzoyl peroxide (plus salicylic acid) works wonders for mild acne. Not only does it kill the bacteria that infects pimples, but this old standby is actually quite good at clearing blocked pores, especially when combined with salicylic acid which helps it penetrate more deeply. This is how to clear pimples if you have mild acne. In more severe cases, the benefits are less. Look for gels that have a concentration of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Stronger formulations are only better at irritating your skin.
Tip #2: Leave Your Face Alone. Few of us can resist popping a ripe, juicy pimple but unless you're an expert you risk spreading the infection and even increase the chance that your pimple will leave a scar. Scratching, rubbing and popping is not how to clear pimples. Don't do it!
Tip #3: Leave That Stress Behind. Did you know that one of the main causes of pimples is androgen hormones? Both men and women have these male hormones that peak during puberty and cause our faces to go haywire. Stress causes a spike in androgen hormones. Get rid of stress and you might have found out how to clear pimples from your life.
Tip #4: Keep Track of Your Diet. The recent success of several holistic acne treatments has revealed a link between diet and pimples that has traditionally been disputed by dermatologists. More health professionals are coming to accept that diet plays an important role in moderating our hormones and staying healthy which in turn greatly influences our complexions. When you get an outbreak, make a note of what foods you have eaten that might have triggered it. Milk and other dairy products are common triggers. Cut those foods from your diet and see if your pimples clear as a result.
Tip #5: Go back on the pill. Many women find that their complexions get worse when they go off of the birth control pill. That's because the estrogens in certain pills help to reduce the production of androgen hormones by the ovaries. If you don't have a reason not to be on the pill, going back on it might be how to clear pimples that arose when you went off it.
Tip #6: Visit Your Dermatologist for an Injection. If you want to clear a pimple from your face in a hurry because you've got a big event coming up, call your dermatologist. Often they will squeeze you in for a quick injection of steroids that can make that pimple go away in a day or two. For emergencies, it's a pretty good way to clear pimples quickly.
Tip #7: Wash your face properly. Use a mild cleanser instead of soap and wash with lukewarm water in the morning and at night. Pat dry with a clean soft towel and apply a thin non-comedogenic moisturizer as needed. That's it. Avoid abrasives, harsh soaps and exfoliation products that irritate and damage your skin. If you want to know how to clear pimples through skin washing, the mantra is: Keep it simple. One of my best girlfriends hasn't even washed her face in five years! I don't recommend that, but my point is this: she has beautiful skin!
Bonus Tip : Cover it up. I know you don't want to hear it but prevention is easier than trying to clear pimples once you have them. Instead of trying to pop them, use a powder or water based foundation (a slight green tint is best) to cover those pimples. They will probably go away by themselves in a few days. Believe it or not, no one will notice or care about them as much as you. Focusing on preventing the next crop is how to clear pimples before they arrive.
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